New Zealand Environment Council Removed from Office Due to ‘Bad Water Management’

Issues of water management caused the New Zealand Parliament to replace a 14-member elected environmental council with an appointed commission.

Drinking Water Access on Target for Millennium Development Goals, while Sanitation Falls Short, Report Says

World Health Organization and UNICEF has found that the world is on track to surpass the Millennium Development Goal for drinking water access, but will fall short by one billion people for sanitation if current trends continue.

Analysis: World Water Day Promises Much, but We’ve Been Here Before

Global leaders lay out steps to improved water quality at World Water Day, but much of the implementation is beyond their control.

2010 Stockholm Water Prize Awarded to American Water and Public Health Expert

Stockholm Water Prize Laureate is American Rita Colwell, for her research into preventing waterborne infectious diseases.

Zafar Adeel: A Conversation With the New Chair of UN-Water

Circle of Blue reporter Brett Walton spoke with Zafar Adeel, the new chair of UN-Water.

Freshwater Delivery in the Wake of Natural Disasters

A sample of water technologies invented to store, ship and provide one of the most critical resources for crisis recovery.

World Water Day Panelists Urge New Mindset for Wastewater Treatment

Newly-released UNEP report details challenges, benefits of expanding wastewater treatment coverage.

Kenyan Prison Uses Constructed Wetland to Improve Sanitation

Low cost, low maintenance water treatment system in Kenyan prison proves better for small communities than traditional waste water treatment.

Designing Water’s Future – New Book Shows Student Solutions to Global Freshwater Crisis

World Water Day: "Designing Water's Future," the international student competition finds solutions to the global fresh water crisis. Water is the axis issue that intersects health, poverty, and security, as well as climate, energy, immigration, and the environment.

Photo Slideshow: Stunning Water Images from the European Space Agency

Images from space including the Ganges River in the Himalayas and the Fox Basin in the Canadian Arctic.

Peter Gleick: World Water Day 2010 — A trip through one of the worst slums in the world

Like urban slums throughout the developing world, there is almost a complete lack of piped safe water and no formal sanitation. Raw sewage and garbage flow through the streets and drainage ditches.