Perspective: Water, Energy, Economy, Poverty, and Haiti

The average Haitian has been living the life of a disaster victim even before the earthquake. It is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Its human development and other indices were about what one would find in some of the poorest sub-Saharan countries. Mismanagement, corruption and just plain venality have forever been human-caused security earthquakes in this sad country.

New Plan Approved to Protect Chicagoland Water

A three-year effort to develop a landmark water plan for the greater Chicago region was unanimously approved by political and environmental stakeholders Tuesday.

Chile Considers Constitutional Reform of Freshwater Rights

New legislation could extend government control over private freshwater resources.

Reforms Could Lead to Huge Water Savings for California, Pacific Institute Says

Replacing inefficient appliances in homes and upgrading wasteful agricultural equipment could save one million acre feet of water in California, according to a Pacific Institute report released Monday. These reforms could also save the parched state six to eight million acre feet by 2020.

The Struggle for Indigenous and Freshwater Rights at Copenhagen and Beyond

For two weeks in Copenhagen last month climate negotiators debated carbon levels, emissions, and balancing the financial burden of saving the planet among developed and developing countries. Still, even as international leaders wrestled with the complex mix of geopolitics, science, economics, and diplomacy, another important ingredient in the climate crisis was barely mentioned: the effect of the warming planet on the Earth's freshwater.

Saudi Arabia to Use Solar Energy for Desalination Plants

New initiative will decrease the country’s reliance on oil for its electrical needs.

Haitian Earthquake Provides Lessons for Similarly Vulnerable Countries

As recovery efforts in Haiti focus on supplying clean water to a region in which the water infrastructure was destroyed, a Maltese engineer thinks his earthquake-prone country, which sits just south of Sicily, could face a similar crisis

Legal Battle Over Asian Carp in the Great Lakes Heats Up

The White House responds to calls for a Great Lakes summit to protect the lakes and their $7 billion sportfishing industry from the invasive species.

China May Relocate 300,000 from Three Gorges Region

Water pollution and river bank instability pose more serious problems than expected on the reservoir banks.

Tehuacán Video Essay: Scarcity and Solutions

Forces of man and nature have turned this valley’s freshwater supply, once renowned throughout Mexico, into an ancient memory.

Colorado Developer Provides Customer List for Proposed Water Pipeline

Colorado's potential water demand from a proposed water pipeline originating in Wyoming is 50 percent more than the amount proposed for delivery, according to documents submitted yesterday to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.