Karst Landscapes in China, Across the Continents

Although caves and karst landscapes often serve as a destination for fourth grade field trips, they certainly have direct relevance to the 1.5 billion people who live in karst regions -- many of whom rely on karst aquifers for drinking water.

‘Romeo and Juliet’ of China Captured in Karst

Among all the scenic spots in Shilin, the rock of Ashima in the Small Stone Forest is the most famous. This rock resembles a girl, with a kerchief on her head and a bamboo basket on her back. The shape and expression are surprisingly lifelike. Tourists dress up in traditional Sani -- a branch of the Yi ethnic group -- dresses to strike the same pose next to the stone girl.

Connecting Caves, Karst Landscapes and Climate Around the World

Scientists who study caves and karst landscapes are like all researchers. They look for data that addresses the broadest and most significant questions possible. It turns out that caves do a good job of providing significant answers. Those that contain animal fossils and records of ancient humans, for example, have been shown to have great value for understanding climate change and past environmental conditions.

Hidden Waters, Dragons in the Deep: The Freshwater Crisis in China’s Karst Regions

Yunnan Province is a microcosm of China's freshwater challenges.

Israel Increases Rates to Pay for Desalinated Water

On January 1 Israel’s national water company Mekorot raised water rates by 25 percent in order to pay for the incorporation of desalinated water into the national water system.

Chavez Suspends Electricity Rationing in Venezuelan Capital after One Day

Severe drought is squeezing the country's energy supply.

Peter Gleick: Water for Haiti, Now

Information on the disaster in Haiti is only slowly coming out, but it is clear that the magnitude and extent of the catastrophe is vast, in a land seemingly cursed by endless environmental destruction.

New Bank Loans Revive Controversial Ilisu Dam Project in Turkey

The Turkish government plans to move forward with the dam despite international opposition.

Video: Invasion of the Asian Carp, from the Waterlife Documentary

New threat to the lakes reopens century-old legal battle over diversion of Great Lakes water, draws support from several states and Ontario.

Peter Gleick: Water, Climate Change, and International Security

It would be nice if water resources fell neatly into national political boundaries. It would be nice if countries that shared water resources cooperated more. It would be nice if climate change wasn't a growing threat to the stocks and flows of water around the world.

Bangladeshi Prime Minister Presses India for Water Deal During Visit

No agreement was signed, but Bangladesh continued to push for a deal similar to the Ganges Treaty.