Video: The Future of Wind Power

Video: The Future of Wind Power

Denmark has pioneered wind power for commercial use over the last three decades -- today the European country produces almost half of the world's wind turbines.
Video: Kumi Naidoo on Global Day of Climate Action

Decades-Long Water War Amongst Southern States May Be Near an End

A recent meeting by the governors of Georgia, Alabama and Florida may help break a long-running dispute over how much water the Atlanta region can use and the source for that water.

Water Projects Emphasized in $7.5 Billion-U.S. Aid Package to Pakistan

Improved irrigation systems and water infrastructure projects are primary goals.
Bill McKibben & President Mohamed Nasheed

Video: Bill McKibben & President Mohamed Nasheed of Maldives in Copenhagen

South Asian paradise Maldives is one of the main countries most immediately threatened by the effects of climate change.

China’s Poor Farmers Hit Hardest by Climate Change

Farmers on the edge of poverty in China’s rural provinces face a bleak future in the wake of warmer temperatures, more frequent droughts and infrequent rainfall. The changing climate is forcing many harvesters into poverty or keeping them from climbing out.

Peter Gleick: Stealing Water from the Future – California’s Massive Groundwater Overdraft Newly Revealed

A NASA report summarizing data collected from new satellites confirms what most water observers have known for a long time. Massive amounts of groundwater are being sucked out of California's Central Valley groundwater aquifers -- unreported, unmonitored, and unregulated.

U.S. Media Tarnishes Message of Copenhagen Climate Change Protest

Circle of Blue's Aubrey Ann Parker reports on-the-ground from the Global Day of Action and reveals the truth behind sensational headlines that played up police arrests in Copenhagen.
Video: Copenhagen – Taking the Risk to Define a Zero Carbon, Clean Energy Future

Video: Copenhagen – Taking the Risk to Define a Zero Carbon, Clean Energy Future

Copenhagen, host of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, claims to be one of the world's greenest cities. It has extensive public transportation, a strong bicycle culture and plans to be carbon neutral by 2025 through progressive blueprints that reduce carbon emissions 20 percent by 2015 compared to 2005.

Mumbai Restricts Water Use, Fueling Protests

A below-average monsoon has brought government-imposed limits on water use and public anger in Mumbai, a city that already faces low water levels.

Final Week of Copenhagen, the Last Act of Negotiations Remains Unclear

Like all spellbinding human dramas the United Nations Climate Change Conference, which today entered its second and last week, represents the accumulated chapters of an urgent script - the fate of the planet.
Video: Kumi Naidoo on Global Day of Climate Action

Video: Kumi Naidoo on Global Day of Climate Action

Interview with Kumi Naidoo, Executive Director Greenpeace International.
Video: Kumi Naidoo on Global Day of Climate Action

Underused Drilling Practices Could Avoid Pollution

By Abrahm Lustgarten ProPublicaVersions of this story were published…