Climate Negotiations Must Consider Water and Energy Together, IWA Says

Water policy and energy policy must be integrated, according to the International Water Association

Melting Glaciers, Drought Jeopardize Bolivian Capital’s Water

Planned migrations to water-rich areas are being considered as an emergency option as La Paz's water supply hangs in the balance.

Climate Change Threatens China’s Crops, State Forecaster

China’s chief meteorologist recommends adjusting to global warming over fighting it.

Drought Causes Record Low Water Allocations for California

Climate conditions and regulations are causing California to reassess water allocation, potentially taking drastic conservation measures.

Ellen Driscoll’s Plastic Lineage

American artist Ellen Driscoll explores resource consumption and material lineage in her latest multi-part, multi-year project, FASTFORWARDFOSSIL.

Water Becomes a Pawn In Central Asian Energy Dispute

Uzbekistan exits the regional energy grid and Tajikistan vows to complete world's tallest dam.

Peter Gleick: Prepare Now for Another Dry Year

The western United States is still in a drought. If you have any doubts, take a look at the latest map from the U.S. Drought Monitor. Maybe we'll be lucky and the rains will start soon and be healthy. But California water agencies and users must begin planning for another dry year.

Water Demand-Supply Gap Rising At Alarming Rate, Report Shows

Global water demand will grow at an accelerated rate -- from 4,500 billion meters cubed to 6,900 billion cubed -- by 2030 increasing the water gap.

Bhopal’s Water Still Toxic 25 Years After Chemical Disaster

Chemicals used to make pesticides are still leaching into the groundwater and poisoning the drinking water.

Heart of Dryness: Water Infrastructure and Climate Change

In the third installment of Climate Change Coping Strategies excerpts from James G. Workman's Heart of Dryness we reveal the struggle to develop effective infrastructure in the face of climate change.

Stakeholders Create Organization to Resolve Southern US Water Conflict

Members from Alabama, Florida and Georgia hope that grassroots negotiations will spur a resolution from higher levels of government over Lake Lanier. Environmental groups, business organizations and power companies have united to form the ACF Stakeholders, a forum for discussing ways to resolve the 20-year impasse over the use of the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint river basin.

Massive Antarctic Icebergs Heading To New Zealand

Massive Antarctic Icebergs Heading To New ZealandRare event may or may not be linked to climate change, expert says More than 100 icebergs are drifting toward New Zealand’s southern coast in a rare phenomenon that has only been recorded once before since 1931.