Water Scarcity, Food Security Concerns Prompt Global Land Grab

Area nearly the size of France purchased, leased for food production around the world. Africa, South America, parts of Europe targeted by cash-rich, food-poor nations

Regulations for Farmland Acquisitions Are Years Away, UN officials say

A strong set of guidelines for land acquisitions abroad could take years, but is necessary for protecting the interests of small farmers, political leaders said.

“Food Security and Climate Change Are Deeply Interconnected,” UN Secretary-General Says

Farmers are hurt by erratic water supplies and underinvestment, according to summit speakers. Leaders weigh in on global agricultural investment during opening remarks of the FAO summit in Rome.

Nuclear Fallout: Nevada Takes Hard Look at Contaminated Groundwater From Historic Testing Grounds

The Yucca Flat area of the Nevada Test Site is scarred with subsidence craters from underground nuclear testing[/caption]Decades of nuclear weapons testing has contaminated an estimated 1.6 trillion gallons of groundwater in the Nevada desert, a region where clean water is scarce and getting scarcer.

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Madagascar Cancels Water Deal with Saudi Arabia

Madagascar Cancels Water Deal with Saudi ArabiaMadagascar's government has ended a water export deal with Saudi Arabia because it was opposed by environmental, civil society groups in the country.

Heart of Dryness: Water, Climate, and Energy

The second installment Climate Change Coping Strategies of excerpts from James G. Workman's Heart of Dryness

Peter Gleick: Water on the Moon

nasaimage290In a good indication of just how important water is to us, some of the most exciting news from the Moon since the initial 1969 landing has revolved around research to determine whether or not it has water.

Environmental Policy Council Advises Cut in China’s Carbon Intensity

China should reduce its carbon intensity by 4 to 5 percent per year to achieve goals of low-carbon development by 2050. The proposal from the China Council of International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) is the first time such a high-level organization has proposed firm targets for emissions.

Time Is Running Out To Slow Climate Change, Report Finds

A new IEA study reveals the costly consequences of increasing current energy consumption patterns and calls for swifter policy action.

Peter Gleick: Giving Desalination Another Black Eye — Poseidon’s Financial Shell Game

Last week, I wrote about the demand by the Poseidon Group to receive two major public subsidies to build a private desalination plant at Carlsbad near San Diego. After years of claiming that they needed no public support to build this plant, this claim has finally been proven false. The private profits they need will only be possible with public subsidies.

“Glacier Man” Does Nature’s Work to Mitigate Climate Change

Chewang Norphel, a civil engineer known locally as the Glacier Man, has been building artificial glaciers to supply irrigation water for the villages of the Ladakh region for the last 15 years. Norphel constructs the glaciers by redirecting autumn and winter melt to shady valleys above the fields.