Rash of Water Main Breaks Points to Vulnerability of Systems

Major water main breaks in recent days highlight challenges to the U.S. water infrastructure system.Major water main breaks in Los Angeles and Baltimore in recent days highlight challenges to the U.S. water infrastructure system.

Peter Gleick: Crikey! Real Water Conservation and Efficiency in Australia

Regular readers of this blog know my feelings about the potential to improve the efficiency of our water use. Besides being cheaper and more environmentally beneficial than new supply options, efficiency improvements are easier to find.

Keeping an Eye on Water From Space

Images Courtesy NASA Satellites are increasingly being tasked with keeping an eye on the planet’s fresh water supplies, giving scientists and governments new tools to track how water is used, who is using it, and how to better manage the fragile resource. Some of the results are alarming.

NYT: Farm Runoff is Polluting Nearby Residents’ Water Wells

Runoff, often from cow manure spread on grain fields, can result in parasites and bacteria seeping into drinking water.A New York Times investigation into worsening U.S. water pollution details how unregulated farm runoff is poisoning people's wells.

Ed Kashi: Oil and Conflict in the Niger Delta

Circle of Blue reporter Aubrey Parker spoke with Ed Kashi. He is a photojournalist for National Geographic.

Water ‘tops list’ of Chinese environmental problems

Reported by: Edie.Net "Water pollution and scarcity are seen…

Peter Gleick: Another Missed Opportunity to Fix California’s Water Problems

It is raining this morning. Very unusual for September. Maybe we'll have a wet year.

Iraq Demands More Water from Turkey, Syria

Three months after Turkey promised to release more water down the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, Iraq still struggles with its water supplies.

Environment to Round off GDP as Measure of Europe’s Success

european union recessionAt a time when Europe struggles to emerge from economic recession, the European Union vows to create indicators for its well-being that go beyond calculating the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Wildlife Elephants Fall Victims to Kenya’s Drought

More than 40 elephants have died in the past two months in the Laikipia, Isiolo and Samburu districts, as the severe drought challenges Kenyan wildlife’s capacity to feed itself.While a prolonged dry spell continues to plague Kenya, wildlife experts worry that the country’s 23,000 elephants might be in danger.