Droughts Drain ‘Venice of the East’

lakepalace The tourism industry of one of India’s most popular destinations is drying up, as the city of Udaipur runs out of water.

Scientists Decode the Genomes of Parasitic Flatworms

dna Scientists have cracked the genetic code of one of the world’s deadliest water-borne parasites, opening the door for better drug treatment and prevention.

Rains Bring Mumbai Long-awaited Reprieve from Drought

mumbia_rain Mumbai’s weather goes from one extreme to another, as heavy monsoon rains follow a prolonged dry spell in western India.

Turkmenistan Vows to Water its Desert, Write New Tale of Glory

desertwstroke Turkmen leaders are determined to revive life in the country's barren sands with a grandiose water project.

Interstellar H20: Discovering the Origins of Water in the Universe

The European Space Agency's Herschel Space Observatory Will Search for the Answers to Star Formation, Water Creation and More

Peter Gleick: California’s Looming Groundwater Catastrophe

gleickcalipump21 California is one of the only states in the United States with almost completely unregulated groundwater use.

Democrats Call for Studies as Industry Assails Proposals to Regulate Hydraulic Fracturing

By Abrahm Lustgarten ProPublica A version of this story was…

Corruption and Cartels Drain Nairobi’s Water

nairobi With a dry season already bringing Kenya's water reservoirs to the brink, the severely limited water supplies of Nairobi are now also being illegally diverted on their way to the taps of millions.

US Projects Give Millions for Water and Sanitation to Tribes

pipes The U.S. government is looking to get tribal homes on a par with the rest of the nation through a $90 million stimulus package for water and sanitation access.

Tropical Rains Moving North, Away from Tropics

monsoon A migrating rain band near the equator is en route to profoundly change the weather as it heads north away from the tropics and subtropics.

Two Reports Take Bottled Water to Task

bottledwater Two new reports are calling for bottled water to be labeled with as much information as municipalities disclose about tap water.