U.S. College Pioneers Unique Fresh Water Studies Degree

greatlakes On the shores of the Great Lakes, a U.S. college takes fresh water to the classroom.

Mekong River Dolphins Near ‘Brink of Extinction’

The river pollution could come from any of six Southeast Asian countries inhabiting 300 million people.

Mumbai Prays for Rain

mumbia Citizens in Mumbai, India, are battling both blazing heat and a water shortage, as the city taps deep into its reserves to meet its daily water requirements.

Peter Gleick: Western Governors and New Thinking on Water

I had the opportunity this week to brief a group of western…

Water and Food Shortages Hit Western China

ningxia_hui The cisterns of western China are empty, as prolonged drought brings the people of the the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region to their knees.

Argentine Glacier Outgrows Climate Change

Under the strong Patagonian sun, a glacier is glowing with health despite the effects of global warming.

NASA to Launch Moon Water Probe

lcorss_artwork NASA is sending a kamikaze probe to the moon to finally end the debate over lunar water.

Google Brings Water Data to Life

New Collaboration Tool Allows for Seamless Integration of Water Data from Around the World

US and Canada Revisit Key Water Quality Pact

The United States and Canada decided to update a key agreement that protects the Great Lakes from invasive species

Peter Gleick: Is Some California Water Use Unconstitutional?

As of now, Sacramento has some new rules about water use.

Art for Water, ‘Water for Life’

cerrargaleria With color and imagination, Japanese art arrives in Spain to tickle Europe’s water fancy.

South Korea’s ‘Green New Deal’ — A Focus on Water

With the prospect of impending water shortages hot on South Korea’s heels, Seoul is reaching into its pocketbook for better water infrastructure.