The Battle for the “Greenest” Bottle

bottles Following Pepsi and Nestle, Coca Cola is entering the race for the greenest water bottle.

Water Shortages Trigger Domestic Violence in Uganda

watercarryafrica In many Ugandan families, water users are equal, but some are more equal than others.

Peter Gell: Murray-Darling’s Wetlands

Professor Peter Gell discuses the future of the Murray-Darling Basin.

South Australia: Acid Murray River Declared Undrinkable

ozmap The Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation in Australia urged landholders along the lower River Murray to secure alternative sources of drinking water

Kenya to Fence out Farmers From National Parks

kenyadryriver Kenya is planning to put electric fences around its major national parks and to increase the number of armed guards to protect water resources from farmers

Beijing to Conserve Water Through Pricing

beijing Pressed for water resources, China’s capital is looking for alternative ways to aid its water supply.

Mexico City Washes Off Flu With Dribbles

mexicoslums While countries around the world are taking measures to hold up the spread of the H1N1 virus, much of Mexico City still lacks the most basic barrier to the flu –- water sanitation.

Drought and Pollution Torment Turkey’s Lakes

Lake Tuz Amid a two-year-long drought, water bodies in western Turkey are also suffering from severe pollution

Q&A: Jennifer Turner on Water Challenges for Growing China

"China is a very energy hungry country, so it’s not surprising that they are damming the rivers."

Oil Slick Makes Its Way to Baghdad

A burst pipeline in northern Iraq has forced authorities to close down three municipal water treatment plants.

New Project Resurrects Hope for Dying Aral Sea

“Good news – the mother sea is coming,” says a sign hanging…