Australians Watch Murray-Darling Water Levels Sink to Record Lows; Situation “Bleak,” Officials Say

May marks the season for rainmakers in Australia. As the month…

Drought Boils Bitter Cup of Tea for India

Significantly reduced tea production in comparison with the first three months of 2008.

The Windy City Blows Off Toxins to the Ocean

Chicago is famous for dyeing its river green on St. Patrick’s…

Advancing Algal Bloom Chokes Lower Murray Darling River

A vast swath of blue-green algae is making its way through Australia,…

Australia Summit: Droughts and a Verbal Heat Wave

As droughts are hot on Australia’s heels, Maude Barlow –…

Old Mesopotamian Waters Inadequate for Thirsty Middle Eastern States

Iraq might be soaking in oil, but its water reservoirs have…

Melting Ice Blurs Borders and Freezes Relations

Borders in this part of Europe haven't changed since 1861.…

Hope Shines Through Rain Clouds in Cyprus

When rain falls in Cyprus, it immediately floods news headlines.…

New Legislation to Restore Watersheds & Wilderness in American West

Protection for 2.1 million acres of land and 1,000 miles of rivers.

Globalized Water vs. Globalized Cola?

When water taps dry up, Lemon Cola may fill out the emergency…

Ethiopia Dam Erodes Local Relations

The air in Ethiopia may catch fire, as plans for a new hydroelectric…

Digital Drought: Australia’s Future on Fire in Acclaimed Media Project

Australia's drought remains severe, but the award-winning interactive…