Gargle this: New Mexico identifies new aquifer, water briny

New Mexico's Sandoval County recently stumbled upon what could…

Georgia’s Citizenry Reacts to Nuclear Power Proposal

Without sufficient nuclear power, dirty and expensive coal might be the only alternative.

Endeavor mission to include water recycling equipment, other upgrades

WASHINGTON -- Seven astronauts are set to blast off to the…

Cyclone survivers to face freshwater shortages

MYANMAR - Survivers of the worst natural disaster to hit Myanmar…

Israeli invention extracts water from air

Taking advantage of the air's humidity, a company in Israel is…

Liquid Assets: Documentary chronicles water infrastructure

For every urban mile a person treads, a tangle of pipes curls…

Opinion: Middle East should form Water Union

Perhaps the conflicts in the Middle East might be easier to solve…

EPA to regulate release of animal effluent as wastewater

WASHINGTON D.C. -- Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs)…

Aesthetic irrigation requires approval, Georgia decides

Despite a significant drought in much of the American Southeast,…

Engineers develop platelet patch up for England’s water pipes

England may soon bid farewell to inconvenient road construction…

Wet season could compound mining problems in Peru

LIMA, Peru -- With the approaching rains threatening to destabilize…