Aquatic ear helps Israel monitor water quality

TEL AVIV - Stop to smell the flowers, or at least to listen --…

Upping the cool of ice

NEW YORK - While a growing number of scientists and citizens…

Himalayan Yeti Absent from the Headwaters of Asia’s rivers?

Habitat loss, water diversion projects, and modern life threaten unknown primate.

As the Murray River Dries, Hope Dies

The lower lakes of the Murray River in South Australia are…

Towering trees teach sustainability: Water scarcity limits growth, enables survival

Recent research determines that the coniferous Douglas Fir…

Every drop counts for Welsh water bills

Consumers in Wales may soon enjoy paying a flat rate for their…

Race to the Finish: Coal Run Receives Water, City and County Plan to Appeal

Coal Run, a community denied water on allegedly racial grounds, can now turn on the tap at will.

Waste not, want not: Orange County sewage undergoes alchemy

Featured in the New York Times a new sewage treatment plant…

Climate change: Advocates warm up to Lake Baikal

BOLSHIYE KOTY, Russia - Containing one-fifth of the world's freshwater,…

New York Water a Power Issue as Natural Gas Companies Hit Rock-bottom

Flirting with the idea of drilling for energy in the Marcellus shale.

Salmon over Slalom: Dam Removal Threatens Local Economy

RED BLUFF, California - Stakeholders in dam profits watch with…

Toronto youth ask Canada to proclaim water a basic human right

TORONTO - A cadre of youth in Canada believe water is a human…