The Stream, September 15, 2020: Extreme Weather Events Could Be Causing High Suicide Rates in India

The Global Rundown A new study has linked skyrocketing suicide…

Federal Water Tap, September 14: Regulator Warns of Climate Risk in Financial System

The Rundown A financial regulator warns of climate risk and…

HotSpots H2O: As Tensions Rise in the Southern Caucasus, Water Shortages Continue

Decades-long conflict has left water supply networks in disrepair and exacerbated water shortages for civilians in Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Western Wildfires Damage, Contaminate Drinking Water Systems

As they tear through forests and developed areas, fires in California, Oregon, and Washington have destroyed water infrastructure and released chemical contaminants.

The Stream, September 11, 2020: UK Officials Set Up Taskforce to Reduce Sewage Spills

The Global Rundown The UK’s Department for Environment, Food…

The Stream, September 10, 2020: Mexico is Restoring the Ancient Lake Texcoco

The Global Rundown A Mexico City airport is being transformed…

Removing Carbon from Air, Which Increases Water Use, Is No Simple Climate Fix

Certain ways of drawing carbon out of the atmosphere to keep global temperatures in check come with substantial tradeoffs for water use, water quality, and food production, study finds.

The Stream, September 9, 2020: As Water Shortages Become More Common, So Does Global Unrest

The Global Rundown Experts warn of social unrest as water shortages…

The Stream, September 8, 2020: Typhoons Wreak Havoc In Japan, South Korea

The Global Rundown Duel typhoons hit Japan and South Korea in…

Federal Water Tap, September 8: Satellite Imagery Shows Glacial Lake Growth

The Rundown Researchers detail the global growth of glacial…

HotSpots H2O: In Kenya, Lake Water Rise Endangers Livelihoods and Wildlife

Rising water levels in the lakes along the Great Rift Valley have pushed thousands in Kenya from their homes, endangering people’s livelihoods and wildlife in the region.