Water Rights: Arizona Senators John Kyl and John McCain Meet With Navajo Nation Leaders

Decades in the making, a Navajo-Hopi water rights settlement…

The Stream, April 5: What Is Causing the Water Crisis in Ghana and Nigeria?

Policy & Accountability Pollution, political unrest and corruption…

The Stream, April 4: Water and Politics in South America

Under a new law, mining and oil companies in Peru will be required…

National Security Assessment: Water Scarcity Disrupting U.S. and Three Continents

In a new report, the U.S. State Department finds a global confrontation between growing water demand and shrinking supplies, in addition to predictions for the next 30 years of water scarcity.

The Stream, April 3: Mega Water Projects in Asia

India's proposed mega project to link more than 30 rivers and…

Federal Water Tap, April 3: Knocking Down Regulations

Build Them Faster Continuing his mission of cutting red tape…
Chicago Spearheads $7 Billion Plan to Fix Its Crumbling Infrastructure

Chicago’s $7 Billion Plan to Fix Crumbling Infrastructure

From expanding its largest airport to replacing century-old water…

The Stream, April 2: Fracking in Texas, Pennsylvania and Wyoming

New findings that indicate elevated levels of methane in water…

Federal Water Tap, April 2: Great Lakes Water and Wind

Rise and Fall The bilateral commission charged with coordinating…

Not So Wet: England Grapples With Worst Drought in 30 Years

Dry times in southeastern England are seasoned with the favorite flavors of leaders in the arid American West: drought declarations, water restrictions, a desalination plant, and talk of piping "surplus" water to the south.

The Stream, March 30: Great Lakes Water Levels

A new report by a U.S.-Canadian advisory panel recommends against…

Once A Cleanup Leader, Michigan Struggles With Leaking Fuel

The state's water is at risk from 9,100 leaking underground storage…