Tar Sands Map

Obama Administration to Reject Keystone XL Pipeline

However, the company building the pipeline will be invited to re-appl,y after finding a new route through Nebraska, according to a government official.
The Grand Canyon

The Stream, January 18: Commercial Agriculture Displaces Ethiopians

Agriculture The Ethiopian government is relocating thousands…

Water Law: Public Trust May Be Fresh Approach to Protecting Great Lakes

Canadian and American advocates join to promote big oversight idea of the "commons."
The Grand Canyon

The Stream, January 17: China’s Environmental Litigation

Reuters tells the story of a Chinese "cancer village" that is…
The Grand Canyon

The Stream, January 16: Asian Carp

Lake Erie and some of its biggest tributary rivers have just…
The Grand Canyon

Federal Water Tap, January 16: A Busy EPA

Peer Reviewers for Fracking Study The U.S. Environmental Protection…
The Grand Canyon

The Stream, January 13: Water Pollution Looms In Lake Titicaca

Growing urban populations, poor infrastructure and unenforced…

Food vs. Water: High Commodity Prices Complicate Aquifer Protection in Colorado’s San Luis Valley

Decades of groundwater pumping have left one of the San Luis Valley aquifers in a perilous state. To restore its health — and the foundation of the local economy — valley leaders are developing a plan to pay farmers to fallow up to 16,000 hectares. But with commodity prices soaring, will anyone go for it, or will the state have to step in?
The Grand Canyon

The Stream, January 12: Water as Business Risk

Next to power shortages, water scarcity will be the next big…

Top 10 Water News Stories of 2011

Understanding the interplay between water, food, and energy is…
The Grand Canyon

The Stream, January 11: Investors Tell Companies To Look At Water Security

Companies are not taking water security seriously when preparing…
The Grand Canyon

U.S. Administration Bans Uranium Mining Near Grand Canyon

The decision by the U.S. Department of the Interior was applauded…