Map: NASA Shows Big Dip in U.S. Groundwater Regionally, Especially Near Texas Drought

Using calculations based on satellite observations and long-term…
Water & Energy Chokepoint

The Stream, December 7: The Shale Gas Boom

Global carbon emissions are likely to continue increasing at…
Water & Energy Chokepoint

The Stream, December 6: Canada to Pull Out of Kyoto Protocol

Canada won't renew its commitments to the Kyoto Protocol after…
Water & Energy Chokepoint

Peter Gleick: Transcending Old Thinking About California Agricultural Water Use

The debate about water use in California agriculture is stuck in a 30-year-old rut; relying on outdated and technically-flawed thinking that is slowing statewide efforts to meet 21st century challenges.
Water & Energy Chokepoint

The Stream, December 5: Afghanistan-Pakistan Water Relations

Afghanistan's plans to build 12 dams on the Kabul River, and…
Water & Energy Chokepoint

Federal Water Tap, December 5: Pakistan and the Arctic

Pakistan A high-level official from the U.S. State Department…

Price Volatility: Food and Water Insecurities Require Deep Pockets

Adding pressure to already strained budgets, the price of food is expected to remain high and quite volatile on the heels of this year's extreme floods and droughts. Though price increases are occurring globally, they are hitting hardest in the developing world.
Infographic: Unprescribed — Drugs in the Water Cycle

Infographic: Unprescribed — Drugs in the Water Cycle

In 2009, 3.9 billion prescriptions were dispensed in the United States, and an estimated 10 to 40 percent of medicines are not used. With 78 million baby boomers reaching the age when prescription drug use will increase, how will this affect environmental and drinking water?
Water & Energy Chokepoint

The Stream, December 2: Climate Change Negotiations

The United States, along with Russia, Canada, Japan, China and…
Water & Energy Chokepoint

The Stream, December 1: Australia’s Coal-seam Gas Development

Australia's fast-growing coal-seam gas industry is a "relatively…
Ned Breslin: Scratching the Surface — Retooling the WASH Model’s Indicators (Part III)

Ned Breslin: Scratching the Surface — Retooling the WASH Model’s Indicators (Part III)

Sharing failures can be just as valuable as sharing successes. Yet, the development sector more often touts its successes as indicators to donors, who, in turn, are content to think short term and tend to not ask the tough questions.
Water & Energy Chokepoint

Choke Point: China on Wilson Center’s Dialogue Program

On Wednesday evening, dialogue — an award-winning television and radio program that explores the world of ideas through weekly, half-hour conversations with renowned public figures, scholars, journalists, and authors — will feature "Choke Point: The World's Looming Water Crisis."