Peter Gleick: Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Water for Africa, and the Nobel Peace Prize

The remarkable president of Liberia, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, has just been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize along with Liberian peace activist Leymah Gbowee and Tawakkul Karman of Yemen for their work on women’s rights. This award is rightful recognition of the commitment and dedication of these women to strengthening the rights and dignity of women in Africa, and around the world.

The Stream, October 28: Environmental Security in Latin America

Environmental security is becoming a top priority in international…
Toby Smith Photographer China

Toby Smith, Photographer for Choke Point: China Series, Featured in The New York Times

On Monday, Toby Smith — who was on location with Circle of…

The Stream, October 27: China’s Desalination Plans

A program in California's Imperial Valley offers farmers money…
Food Floods Flooding 2011 Thailand Cambodia Vietnam Philippines Laos Rice Maize Corn Crop

UN Report: Floods Threaten Southeast Asia Food Crisis, Disrupt Thai Car Industry

With hundreds of deaths, thousands of damaged hectares, and millions of refugees, this year's fall flooding has equated to a devastating wet season.

The Stream, October 26: Global Water Demand Outpaces Population Growth

Global water use is increasing at twice the rate of population…

The Stream, October 25: Flood Crisis in Southeast Asia

Climate change manifests itself most visibly through water. But…

The Stream, October 24: Climate Science

An independent investigation by scientists at the University…

Federal Water Tap, October 24: Shale Gas and the Power of Water

Wastewater Standards The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency…
Great Lakes Biennial Meeting IJC 2011 Detroit Michigan

Report & Conference: Assessing Great Lakes Health and Future — Al Gore Delivers Keynote

In Detroit last week, three organizations involved in Great Lakes management held concurrent and joint meetings to discuss the future of one of the world’s largest sources of fresh surface water. Former Vice President Al Gore delivered the keynote address, linking climate change to water issues.

The Stream, October 21: Trapped by Climate Change

Climate change may threaten rural livelihoods and force millions…

The Stream, October 20: Public Opinion on U.S. Energy Policy

Less than 14 percent of Americans think that the United States…