Infographic: Map of Pollution Levels in China

The Stream, July 26: Astronomers Find the Biggest Mass of Water in the Universe

Astronomers have discovered the largest and oldest reservoir…
Infographic: Map of Pollution Levels in China

The Stream, July 25: Climate, Trade and International Security

Climate change is a real threat to international peace and security,…
Infographic: Map of Pollution Levels in China

Federal Water Tap, July 25: Tar Sands Pipeline Review

Pipeline Update The State Department expects to release a final…

United Nations Stalemates on Climate Change and Security

Climate change became a hot-button issue at a recent U.N. Security…

The Stream, July 22: Djibouti Appeals For Help With Dire Drought

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said it found piles…
Infographic: Map of Pollution Levels in China

The Stream, July 21: UN Declares Famine in Somalia

The United Nations has declared famine in two regions of southern…
Infographic: Map of Pollution Levels in China

Peter Gleick: It’s Hotter Than It Used to Be; It’s Not as Hot as It’s Going to Be

Holy crap it's hot. People, animals, and crops are dying.
Map Weather Extremes Floods Droughts Tornados

Weather Extremes: Floods, Droughts, Tornadoes, and Extreme Heat Plague Much of U.S.

Extreme weather events in 2011 have been numerous and diverse, prompting some analysts to link the natural disasters to climate change. Most recently, many states are under exceptional-drought and extreme-heat advisories.
Infographic: Map of Pollution Levels in China

The Stream, July 20: The Climate-Food Connection

The U.S. Department of Agriculture urges more study of the climate-food…
Infographic: Map of Pollution Levels in China

The Stream, July 19: Heat Wave in Central U.S.

The heatwave in the central United States intensified Monday,…
The Horn of Africa

Worsening Humanitarian Crisis: Unprecedented Drought and Famine in Horn of Africa

The drought has gripped large regions of eastern Africa, leaving an estimated 11 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, and is likely to continue for much of the year, according to the United Nations.
Infographic: Map of Pollution Levels in China

Infographic: Map of Pollution Levels in China’s Major River Basins

The seven major river basins, as a whole, have had steady improvements in water quality over the past decade.