An aerial view of an intentional breach in levee L-575 near Hamburg, Iowa, June 20. The intentional breach was created by the local sponsor and approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers following a full breach of the levee June 13. The intentional breach was conducted by the sponsor to delay the time in which the area behind the levee would flood. The levee is located at River Mile 552 in Atchison County, Mo. (U.S. Army Photo)

Water Continues to Rise: Floods Rage in States along Missouri River

Towns from Montana to Iowa are bracing for flood waters as heavy rains fall across the region and warm temperatures melt record snowfall.
Mongolia Slideshow

The Stream, June 20: Higher Food Prices

The world should brace itself for high food prices and volatility…
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Federal Water Tap, June 20: Flood Effects, Nuclear Power, Dam Removal

Pollution from the Mississippi The deluge comes quickly, but…
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Peter Gleick: The California Drought (2007-2009) – Myth Versus Reality

It has been a wet year. Very wet. But remember the drought? California…
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The Stream, June 17: California Drought Report

A new Pacific Institute report on California's 2007-2009 drought…

Photo Slideshow: City of Coal on the Inner Mongolia Steppe

Xilinhot — an Inner Mongolian outpost of 177,000 residents, separated from Beijing by a 12-hour train ride — is at the center of the Xilin Gol Grassland, one of China's largest prairies and livestock production regions. The north's coal mines, trucks, and power plants are representative of the nation's coal dependency, a lifeline with an insatiable thirst for water
Mongolia Slideshow

Energy Economy Brings Change to Shepherd Life: Modernization Comes to the Dry Grasslands of Inner Mongolia

Along the vast frozen grasslands, 23-year-old Wu Yun and her father, Bao Zhu, tend their flock of sheep and cattle. Just over the ridge, the northern city of Xilinhot is booming as the coal industry continues to expand. But it will take a lot of water to feed both the city and the mining.
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The Stream, June 16: Texas Drought

The worst Texas drought in more than a century may cripple the…
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The Stream, June 15: The Cost of Nuclear Phase-Out

A survey by the Asahi newspaper shows that nearly three-quarters…
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The Stream, June 14: Italian Referendum Rejects Nuclear Power, Water Privatization

More than 90 percent of Italians rejected Silvio Berlusconi-era…
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The Stream, June 13: Drought in England

England experienced its driest spring in a century last month,…
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Federal Water Tap, June 13: Pipelines, Plans and Spring Snowmelt Problems

Nevada Water Pipeline The Bureau of Land Management has released…