The Stream, May 3: Nile River Treaty?

Local protests against mining and energy projects in Peru are…

The Stream, May 2: Energy Peak

Surprisingly to some, carbon emissions and energy in the United…

Federal Water Tap, May 2: Clean Water

The President's Water Plan The Obama Administration announced…
Water Consumption and Use 120 Urbanizing Countries

Infographic: Breakdown of Water Consumption and Use in Fastest-Urbanizing Countries

The relative water consumption per capita, percent usage of available freshwater in each country, and the respective breakdowns of use in agricultural, municipal, and industrial sectors are shown for the 120 fastest-urbanizing countries.
Urban Water Access 2011

Infographic: Urban Areas vs. Water Access Global Map

This is a global overview of the water access (as a percentage of population) and of the urban factor.

The Stream, April 29: Natural Disasters

Southern California, Arizona and Nevada are in discussions with…

The Stream, April 28: Earth’s Water From Above

Check out these stunning images of the Earth taken from the International…

Water Needs Curtail China’s Coal Gasification For Fuel, Yet Conversion To Chemicals Pushes Ahead

Though coal-to-liquids has been suspended due to water scarcity, the process uses 50 percent less water per unit of end product compared with coal-to-chemicals processes which have been given the go-ahead in hopes of slowing petroleum imports.

The Stream, April 27: Climate Change Impacts

A new federal report on the impact of climate change in the western…

中国庞大的调水工程功效未卜 干旱的北方焦渴等待




The Stream, April 26: The Water-Energy-Food Nexus

Food has quickly become the hidden driver of world politics,…