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1471 search results for: China


The Stream, November 5: China’s Water Supply Could Limit Development

China’s Communist Party set moderate economic development targets that now appear difficult to achieve. China is running low on the water necessary to generate the power it needs to meet those goals, The Wall Street Journal reported. China’s undersea oil and gas reserves could be the largest in the world, scientists estimate. Conflict in the […]


Food Supply, Fracking, and Water Scarcity Challenge China’s Juggernaut Economy

New project finds that building the world’s fastest-growing economy risks public safety and tests global resource limits. Photo © J. Carl Ganter / Circle of Blue An expensive program to expand irrigation networks is occurring in Inner Mongolia, Jilin, and Liaoning provinces, which has prompted concern because it would push new irrigation canals into highly […]


The Stream, August 10: Rain Collapses Section of China’s Great Wall

Rains and Floods Continue in Asia Days of heavy rain caused a 36-meter (118-foot) Rain from Typhoon Haikui, meanwhile, has destroyed more than 7,500 homes and 388,000 hectares (958,000 acres) of cropland across four provinces in eastern China, Xinhua reported, citing government sources. Flooding in North Korea isman-made disaster due to poor urban planning and […]


The Stream, June 25: Water Pricing in China

China will introduce a new water pricing mechanism by 2015, the Xinhua news agency reported. According to the new plan, water rates will rise exponentially as water consumption increases. Peruvian president Ollanta Humala said on Saturday that the Newmont Mining Corporation would guarantee ample water supplies for towns near its proposed Conga gold mine, Reuters […]


U.S., U.K, and China Lead Foreign Land Investments In Agriculture and Finance

GRAIN’s online database is the foundation for much of what the world knows about foreign investments in land. Though the majority of “land grabs” are for agribusiness, other sectors include construction, finance, industry, real estate, and more. Map © Varun Mangla /Circle of Blue Interactive map of “Land Grabs” by country and by sector: The […]