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1105 search results for: australia


The Stream, April 19: Australia’s Water Market

New photos published on the Guardian reveal that early construction work for the controversial Belo Monte dam has already started in the Amazon, despite ongoing legal battles over environmental licenses. And there are already signs of deforestation. Australia’s water market has helped farmers and irrigators in the ailing Murray-Darling River Basin to weather drought and […]


The Stream, March 7: Australia Floods Stir Murray-Darling Debate

Extensive flooding in Australia makes the need to implement a new Murray-Darling Basin water management plan less urgent, argued the Water Minister of New South Wales, who called for delayed action on the reforms, according to The Australian. Two billion people gained access to safer drinking water between 1990 and 2010, meeting an international Millennium […]


The Stream, December 16: Australia’s New Food Bowl

An expansive new irrigation proposal could turn northern Australia into a food bowl, The Australian reported. Water withdrawals for agriculture and mining are putting increasing pressure on the South’s Murray-Darling basin, prompting government officials to look elsewhere. United States Chicago’s Deep Tunnel may not be completed until 2029, despite a recent legal settlement that set […]


The Stream, December 1: Australia’s Coal-seam Gas Development

Australia’s fast-growing coal-seam gas industry is a “relatively short-term prospect” and may not be worth the cost to farmland and the environment, a according to an interim report for the Senate Inquiry into the impacts of coal seam gas in the Murray-Darling Basin, The Australian reported. The study recommends that coal-seam gas development be suspended […]


The Stream, November 29: New Water Blueprint for Australia’s Food Bowl

ABC Australia has published the Murray-Darling Basin Authority’s long-awaited draft plan for the ailing river system. The plan proposes to cut water use by 2,750 gigaliters a year, short of the 3,000-4,000 gigaliters initially proposed. But according to Reuters, even the scaled-back plan looms more political trouble for Australia’s minority government as irrigation cuts have […]


The Stream, October 13: Australian MPs Pass Carbon Tax Bill

Australia’s lower house of parliament narrowly passed a historic bill to cut carbon emissions and introduce a national carbon tax scheme, the Guardian reported. Though the Senate is almost certain to follow, opposition leaders said they would repeal the bill if elected. Meanwhile, China said it would introduce a national resource tax next month, BusinessGreen […]