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1346 search results for: California Drought


The Stream, September 11: Large Underground Water Supply Discovered in Kenya

Groundwater A newly discovered underground water reservoir in northwest Kenya has increased the country’s water reserves by nearly ten times—enough water to supply the country for 70 years, The Telegraph reported. The reserve will be studied further to assess how best to extract, distribute and conserve the water. Drying wells in California’s Paso Robles wine […]


The Stream, September 9: Pakistan Pays High Economic Cost for Floods

Pakistan’s economic growth was 2.9 percent over the past three years compared to a potential growth rate of 6.5 percent each year, a discrepancy that one expert says is largely attributable to three years of destructive flooding, AlertNet reported. Pakistan lost $US 16 billion due to the floods, which killed more than 3,000 people. Chemicals […]


The Stream, August 26: Fire Threatens San Francisco’s Water

A wildfire in California could threaten San Francisco’s water supply as it nears the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir in Yosemite, Fox News reported. The reservoir provides 85 percent of the city’s water. Residents of Damascus, the capital of war-torn Syria, are worried that their food and water supplies may be poisoned following a suspected chemical weapon […]


Federal Water Tap, July 1: President Obama’s Climate Change Plan

Regulate, Innovate, and Adapt That is the crux of President Barack Obama’s climate change plan, unveiled in a speech last Tuesday at Georgetown University and in an accompanying 21-page document. The president proposed actions, with the exception of his budgetary aspirations, that need no endorsement from Congress. In a move sure to face legal challenges, […]


Satellite Data Shows U.S. Water ‘Hotspots’

Scientists who use the GRACE satellite say they need more resources to maximize its usefulness – for predicting floods and droughts. Graphic © J. S. Famiglietti and M. Rodell, Water in the Balance, Science, 340, 1300 (2013). Figure appears as Figure S1 in Supplementary Online Materials. Prepared by Caroline de Linage, UC Irvine and Preston […]


U.S. Marks At Least 65 Years of National Water Crisis

A short history lesson about water shortage, water wars, and drought in the United States. “The water shortage is spreading like a creeping paralysis,” claims a major national magazine, printing the words beneath before-and-after photographs of the reservoir behind Arizona’s Roosevelt Dam. In the first photo, the reservoir is brimmed with water. Five dry years […]