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2139 search results for: california


Federal Water Tap, April 17: EPA Pauses Rule that Restricts Power Plants from Dumping Toxic Metals into Rivers

The Rundown EPA administrator postpones the implementation date for rule to keep arsenic, mercury, and other power plant toxics from rivers, while also beginning a separate process to repeal or modify existing regulations. EPA inspector general says that the agency needs better health warnings for people who eat contaminated fish. An energy company wants to […]


The Stream, April 14: Water Concerns Stymie Brazil Iron Mine

The Global Rundown A mayor in Brazil is refusing to grant water permits to the Samarco iron mine until it funds water quality safeguards. The number of people infected by a cholera outbreak in Somalia could double by summer. This water year is officially the wettest on record in California’s northern Sierra Nevada. A cultural […]


The Stream, April 12: Lake Chad Region In Humanitarian And Ecological Crisis

The Global Rundown Food security is suffering in Africa’s Lake Chad Basin due to a confluence of conflict, drought, and declining water levels, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. A report suggests that concerns about water could soon prompt Argentina, Chile, and other Latin American countries to enact stricter environmental […]


The Stream, April 5: Large Hydropower Dams Are Candidates For UN Climate Funding

Three major dam projects in Nepal, the Solomon Islands, and Tajikistan may receive backing from the United Nations’ green climate fund, a move that is opposed by environmental groups. A new map and analysis shows where the United Kingdom is spending its flood defense money. Streams in Switzerland are heavily polluted with agricultural pesticides, a study found. A former U.S. security official warns that climate change will create more conflict and refugees in the Asia-Pacific region. Rainfall from the remnants of Cyclone Debbie flooded New Zealand’s North Island this week. A plan to take groundwater from the Mojave Desert to California cities is one step closer to reality.


Federal Water Tap, April 3: Congress Begins Pushback Against Trump Rural Water Cuts

The Rundown House members will send a letter this week to colleagues asking not to eliminate rural water funding. Trump signs executive order to undo federal climate change action. Representatives introduce bills in Congress on water affordability, infrastructure investment, and Indian water rights. Membership in the bipartisan House climate caucus grows to nearly three dozen. […]


Federal Water Tap, March 27: Two Wins for the Pipeline Industry

The Rundown The Trump administration issues a permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. A U.S. district court rejects lawsuit that claimed that a federal energy regulator is biased toward pipeline industry. An Oroville Dam review board says spillway repairs may not be completed by the next rainy season. A Senate committee holds a hearing on […]


The Stream, March 27: Study Links Zika To Poor Water, Sanitation In Slums

The Global Rundown A new study found that outbreaks of Zika virus in Brazil closely mirror poor conditions in urban slums, highlighting how these communities are at chronic risk from diseases associated with inadequate public services such as water and sanitation. Airstrikes near the Tabqa dam in Syria continue to threaten downstream communities, government officials […]


The Stream, March 24: China’s Cities Must Plan For Sea Level Rise, Researchers Say

The Global Rundown Scientists in China reiterated calls for coastal cities to address flood risks after a government report showed record high sea levels last year. Saskatchewan announced plans to tighten regulations for pipelines near waterways. Mountain snowpack in the western United States, where water content is well above average at many sites, has started […]


Federal Water Tap, March 20: Trump Budget Eliminates Rural Water Infrastructure Program

The Rundown Water and climate programs are among many targets for cuts or elimination. Flint gets a portion of the $US 100 million in federal grants that Congress approved for replacing lead pipes. Louisiana representative questions federal infrastructure spending priorities. New York senators submit legislation to require the EPA to regulate four chemicals in drinking […]