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2139 search results for: california


EPA Announces National Wastewater Nutrient Pollution Census

Agency will study nitrogen and phosphorus removal at wastewater facilities. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency calls nutrient pollution the “single greatest challenge to our nation’s water quality.” Rising concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in waterways, the agency reports, are a significant threat to human health, ecosystems, and local economies. […]


The Stream, September 29: U.S. Flood Patterns Exhibit Nuanced Shifts

The Global Rundown The frequency and severity of floods in the United States have changed over the past seven decades, but only in certain regions, a new study found. Community leaders in Pakistan said they will continue to stop work on the Dasu hydropower dam until the government meets their demands for compensation. A significant […]


The Stream, September 20: Indonesia Fires Linked To Premature Deaths

The Global Rundown More than 100,000 people in Southeast Asia may have died early due to the burning of drained wetlands and forests in Indonesia last year, a study found. Desalinated water may be contributing to iodine-deficiencies and associated health problems, according to researchers in Israel. Canada’s new government has done little to improve its […]


The Stream, September 19: Florida Sinkhole Contaminates Aquifer

The Global Rundown A sinkhole at a fertilizer plant in Florida sent radioactive material into a local aquifer over the weekend, and a gasoline pipeline spill in Alabama narrowly missed sensitive river habitat. The Netherlands resumed a funding project to install potable water access in Benin. Researchers will set off from England this week to […]


Federal Water Tap, September 12: Agencies Halt Dakota Access Pipeline Construction on Federal Land

The Rundown A federal judge said pipeline construction could proceed, but Obama administration decides to pause Dakota Access pending further review. The CDC surveys the Toledo community’s response to the 2014 toxic algal bloom that shut down the city’s drinking water system. EPA and state regulators close wastewater injection wells in Oklahoma because of earthquakes. […]


Federal Water Tap, September 6: President Obama Signs Paris Agreement, Pledges Salton Sea Help

The Rundown The United States joins a global climate agreement, while the secretary of state speaks bluntly in India about energy choices. President Obama promises federal attention to the shrinking Salton Sea. The EPA’s internal watchdog will investigate the agency’s oversight of state drinking water programs, while an EPA regional office tells New York City […]