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1471 search results for: China


The Stream, April 16: Droughts in China and the United States

The Murray-Darling Draft Plan The Murray-Darling River Basin draft plan is likely to trigger another round of legal arguments over state water entitlements, according to Adelaide Now. The states of New South Wales and Victoria have rejected the plan — which recommends returning 2,750 gigaliters of water a year to the river system — arguing […]


The Stream, April 11: Textiles Linked to Polluted Water Discharge in China

Forty-six Chinese and multinational clothing companies are buying textiles from suppliers who are illegally discharging polluted water in China, according to a new report released by five non-governmental organizations, Xinhua reported. Scientists in Israel are worried over low water levels in the Dead Sea, which they believe to be caused in part by increased water […]


The Stream, March 29: Shale Gas Prospects in China and California

Water Shortage Years of uncontrolled digging of wells in Yemen has almost sucked the Arabian Peninsula country dry, according to Reuters. Can new projects stave off a looming water catastrophe? With no major natural freshwater sources, Cuba relies primarily on the whims of weather to supply itself with water. But experts warn that climate change […]


The Stream, February 14: China’s Big Desalination Plans

China plans to quadruple its desalination capacity by the end of 2015 in an effort to relieve chronic water shortages that threaten to upend its economic growth, China Daily reported. Meanwhile, Jordan is moving ahead with its Red Sea Water Desalination Project, which will extract 1.2 billion cubic meters of water from the sea, of […]


The Stream, January 17: China’s Environmental Litigation

Reuters tells the story of a Chinese “cancer village” that is testing the reach of China’s laws against environmental pollution. Meanwhile, a Beijing-based environmental lawyer looks 10 years back, at a disappointing decade for environmental litigation in China. Did China really intend to create an agricultural colony in Mozambique or make the Zambezi Valley into […]


The Stream, January 4: China’s Largest Freshwater Lake Shrinks

Poyang Lake, China’s largest freshwater lake, currently has less than 200 square kilometers (77.2 square miles) of water surface area due to drought, Xinhua reported. Record low water levels on the Ganjiang River, which feeds into the lake, could cause water shortages in nearby cities. Israeli companies can use the West Bank’s natural resources for […]