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144 search results for: US Sugar


The Stream, May 1: Water Problems Could Hinder India’s Economic Growth

India’s flawed water management could hinder its economic growth and political stability, Reuters reported, citing the expert charged with developing the country’s new water resource strategy. Agriculture & Drought A shortage of water in India’s Maharashtra state could affect the region’s sugar output unless it receives adequate rains during the June-September monsoon season, The Wall […]


The Stream, October 19: Drought Unleashes Red Tide in Texas Gulf

The largest red tide algae bloom since 2000 is gripping the Texas Gulf Coast, the Associated Press reported. The prolonged Texas drought this year kept freshwater from reaching the Gulf, raising the salinity levels in which the algae thrive. Despite record-breaking rainfall in October, 99 percent of Texas remains under severe drought conditions, Think Progress […]


Peter Gleick: Why Spend Public Money for Private Bottled Water?

When I go to water meetings, there are serious scientific discussions about climate impacts on water systems, international conflicts over water, water quality and contamination threats, new technologies and strategies for providing basic water and sanitation for the world’s poor, and much more. But in the hallways between meetings and sessions, the real arguments are about the conflicts between public and private control and management of water.


The Stream, September 7: Will Climate Change Sink Bangkok?

Bangkok could be under water by 2030, the Guardian reported. The ground beneath Thailand’s capital is quickly subsiding due to rising sea levels, coastal erosion and urbanization. The minimum summertime volume of Arctic Sea ice reached a record low in 2010, Reuters reported, citing researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle who will soon […]


The Stream, July 4: France Bans Fracking

France became the first country to outlaw hydraulic fracking, after French senators voted 176 in favor and 151 against a bill to ban the controversial technique, Bloomberg reported. According to the new law, energy companies that plan to use fracking to produce oil and gas in France will have their permits revoked. A Reuters analysis […]


The Stream, April 18: The Water Factor

Environmental groups are up in arms over the State Department’s updated environmental analysis of a proposed oil pipeline project from Alberta, Canada, to Texas. The study drew similar conclusions to a draft environmental impact statement issued by the State Department last year, which said that the controversial project “would result in limited adverse environmental impacts […]


The Stream, March 29: Kenya Opens Carbon Exchange

Kenya expects to start construction of a 300-megawatt Lake Turkana wind power project by the end of the year, Reuters reports. The project will earn government revenue from carbon credits on Kenya’s newly launched climate exchange platform. European Union The European Union plans to introduce water efficiency targets for member states and industries. The new […]


The Stream, March 22: World Water Day 2011

The New York Times compares the water markets and policies of Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin and California’s San Joaquin Valley. Will California’s farmers follow in the footsteps of their Australian counterparts, who made far-reaching changes to their water practices in response to a dire 12-year drought? Agriculture, Industry In a sobering article, the Guardian‘s John Vidal […]