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2741 search results for: energy


The Stream, December 12: Energy Projects Search for Water

An Australian company found a water supply for one of the largest unmined coal deposits in South Africa. Resource Generation will build and operate a wastewater treatment plant in a nearby community, Mining Weekly reports. In return, the company will receive rights to the treated effluent, which will be sent through a pipeline to the […]


Peter Gleick: Energy, Water, and Climate Change in the Western U.S.

A new analysis from the Pacific Institute evaluates the water needs for different energy futures and identifies a growing risk of conflicts between electricity production and water availability in the U.S. Intermountain West. The new report also identifies strategies to ensure the long-term sustainable use of both resources, especially given the realities of climate change. […]


The Stream, November 3: U.S. Energy Security

Jobs created by the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline wouldn’t be worth the health and safety consequences if a spill contaminated water supplies, U.S. President President Barack Obama said in an interview with an Omaha television station, according to Bloomberg. What does this mean for the fate of the $7 billion project? An influential U.S. […]


The Stream, October 20: Public Opinion on U.S. Energy Policy

Less than 14 percent of Americans think that the United States is headed in the right direction on energy, according to the University of Texas at Austin’s biannual Energy Poll. Nebraska’s top senator said on Wednesday that a proposed state legislation to force TransCanada Corp to move the route of its $7 billion Keystone XL […]


EIA Report: Global Energy Use To Grow 50 Percent by 2035 — Half of Increase from Fossil Fuels in China and India

The U.S. Energy Information Administration recently published its annual report on global energy projections. Though renewable energy sources and nuclear power, along with unconventional fossil fuels, will phase out coal production over the next two decades, it will not be at the pace necessary to offset greenhouse gas emissions


The Stream, September 30: Water, Energy, Food

Shale gas will not solve Britain’s energy problems, an Economist editorial argues. Cheap, plentiful fuel may lead to an increase in overall energy use and is also likely to undermine the market for renewable energy technology. Farmers in the Murray-Darling Basin are worried that the Australian government may ask them to cut their water use […]


The Stream, September 13: Renewable Energy in Africa

After financing about $9.3 billion of hydropower in Africa, China is now heavily investing in other renewable technologies on the continent, according to Bloomberg and International Rivers. Meanwhile, Grist reported that hefty loans from the Chinese Development Bank are helping Chinese solar companies push U.S. solar firms out of the market. How did China come […]


Water, Energy, and Transportation: President Obama Backs Infrastructure Bank in Jobs Speech

Included in the U.S. president’s proposed American Jobs Act is the BUILD Act, allocating $US 10 billion to create a National Infrastructure Bank, governed by an independent board, which would help attract private capital and lower the borrowing costs for public works projects of regional significance.