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968 search results for: flood india


The Stream, May 23: India Sand Mining Conflict Turns Deadly

The Global Rundown A conflict over sand mining in an Indian river killed four people this week. A draft report submitted to NATO warned that water and food shortages linked to climate change will compound the risk of conflict in the Middle East and Africa. Large areas of the Midwest United States received double the […]


The Stream, May 19: Kenya Floods Add Misery For Drought-Affected Herders

The Global Rundown Floods in Kenya have killed thousands of cattle, harming herders who also lost livestock to the country’s severe drought. Officials in Indonesia say efforts to restore water to peatlands will dampen the smoke pollution caused by annual forest fires this year. Even small increases in global sea levels could have significant effects […]


The Stream, March 20: Peru Floods Amid Coastal El Nino

The Global Rundown Floods and mudslides swept across Peru last week, the latest onslaught driven by a localized El Nino weather pattern. Drought conditions in Kenya continue to stoke violence between herders and farmers. A new law in Nigeria could make it a crime for Lagos residents to get water from private sources. The Dakota […]


World Bank Loan to India Leads to Water-Damaging Projects

Report finds that a generation after withdrawing big loan for hydro project the World Bank is back with indirect financing. By Keith Schneider Circle of Blue In the pantheon of public campaigns to block big hydropower projects around the world, the fight to stop the Sardar Sarovar dam in India belongs in the hall of […]


The Stream, November 11: India Supreme Court Rules States Must Share Water

The Global Rundown A decision by India’s Supreme Court invalidated a Punjab law that rescinded its river-sharing agreements with neighboring states. At the same time, Punjab is contending with declining groundwater levels that put its dairy industry at risk. Millions of dollars meant to help Bangladesh adapt to climate change were returned to donors after […]


The Stream, September 27: India Suspends Indus Water Commission

The Global Rundown India’s government has suspended the water commission that oversees the Indus Waters Treaty with Pakistan amid a dispute over terrorism. Communities in Telangana are protesting a reservoir that would displace thousands of people. Half a million homes in the United States lack access to adequate water and sanitation connections. A major roadway […]


The Stream, September 13: India Water Dispute Sparks Violent Protests

The Global Rundown A Supreme Court ruling regarding a water dispute between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu triggered violent protests in India on Monday. Airstrikes on a water well in Yemen killed at least 30 people over the weekend, according to the United Nations. Flooding in Mali’s Inner Niger Delta this year could be the worst […]


The Stream, August 30: Groundwater Contaminated In India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal

The Global Rundown Poor water quality means the majority of groundwater in the basin stretching across northern India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal is unfit for human use. The period in time since humans began significantly altering the planet should be officially recognized as a new geological epoch, called the Anthropocene, according to an expert working […]


The Stream, August 8: Floods Causing Damage in Countries Around the World

The Global Rundown Flash flooding in Sudan affects tens of thousands, and kills 21 in Macedonia. Researchers in Australia are using a new material to make water molecule splitting more energy efficient. A new report shows how little of the flood damage in China is covered by insurance. In India, a plan to link the country’s waterways may be foiled by […]


The Stream, August 2: Strong Asian Monsoon Causes Widespread Flooding

The Global Rundown A strong monsoon on the heels of the global El Niño weather pattern has triggered widespread flooding across Asia, affecting millions of people. Herders in Kenya are losing access to water and pasture as cities grow. Unusually wet weather is expected to severely cut wheat harvests in France, the European Union’s biggest […]