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148 search results for: melting glaciers


The Stream, August 1: Urbanization and Rainstorm Connection

China China canceled plans for a pipeline that would have dumped wastewater from a paper mill into the sea near Qidong, Reuters reported. Shrinking glaciers will likely put more pressure on northwestern China’s already stressed Tarim River Basin, which gets suspend its quotas for corn ethanol, warning that such quotas will push food prices even […]


The Stream, June 5: Climate Change, Water, and Electricity

Investments Because climate change will make rivers warmer and reduce their flow, the generating capacity for coal-fired and nuclear power plants—which rely on water for cooling—will decrease by between 4 and 16 percent in the U.S. and between 6 and 19 percent in Europe in the years 2031-2060, Reuters reports, citing a study published in […]


The Stream, October 14: Asian Carp Reach North Dakota

Invasive Asian silver carp are in North Dakota for the first time, the state’s Game and Fish Department confirmed. The carp — which are spreading through the Mississippi and Missouri river systems — eat plankton and greatly disrupt aquatic ecosystems, The Jamestown Sun reported. Rushing aid to drought-plagued Tuvalu will not help the country unless […]


The Stream, May 4: China’s Energy

The golf course market is enjoying a bonanza in China despite a government ban on the construction of new golf courses, according to the Financial Times. Learn more about the water impacts and governance challenges of China’s golf course development from this China Environment Forum presentation. Is China entering the strategic shale gas race? This […]


The Stream, February 25: Toxic Clean-up

South Africa has pledged $168 million to clean the toxic water that threatens to spill out from derelict gold mines under Johannesburg, Reuters reports. It plans to immediately start building pumping, treatment and monitoring stations that would begin operations by March 2012, or just a few months before the acid water is expected to reach […]