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319 search results for: san joaquin


Federal Water Tap, September 12: Agencies Halt Dakota Access Pipeline Construction on Federal Land

The Rundown A federal judge said pipeline construction could proceed, but Obama administration decides to pause Dakota Access pending further review. The CDC surveys the Toledo community’s response to the 2014 toxic algal bloom that shut down the city’s drinking water system. EPA and state regulators close wastewater injection wells in Oklahoma because of earthquakes. […]


Federal Water Tap, August 1: Energy Department Report Endorses U.S. Hydropower Growth

The Rundown The Energy Department identifies a path for more U.S. hydropower. The White House issues a cyberattack response plan. The EPA issues water quality recommendations to protect fish from copper and selenium, while the EPA’s internal watchdog delays an investigation into the Gold King mine spill. Federal agencies make “little progress” on a national […]


Federal Water Tap, May 23: U.S. Senators Worry About Local Water Problems

The Rundown Senator letters support the idea that politics and water are local. A House committee introduces a big water resources bill. The EPA revises the drinking water health standard for a nonstick chemical. The Supreme Court rejects an Exxon groundwater contamination appeal. The House Natural Resources Committee discusses three water settlements. The USGS studies […]


Federal Water Tap, May 2: Senate Committee Passes $US 9 Billion Water Development Act

The Rundown Broad, bipartisan bill offers money for Flint, ports, levees and clears its first legislative hurdle. Meanwhile, a Great Lakes funding bill passes the House. The EPA begins developing a national drinking water strategy. The Obama administration, by releasing or beginning several reports, makes good on its promise to investigate water technology. An EPA […]


Federal Water Tap, April 18: Two Investigations of Water Practices in California

The Rundown Investigators look into spending on big delta tunnel project and accounting trickery at a big irrigation district in California while a House representative scrutinizes the World Bank’s water practices. Three pipeline safety bills compete for approval while a pipeline to ship oil to Canada undergoes federal review. Senators get a private briefing on […]


The Stream, April 12: Majority of Underground Water Polluted in China

The Global Rundown More than three-quarters of China’s underground water is too contaminated for human consumption, according to government statistics. India’s monsoon rainfall is expected to be above average this year. Unpredictable rainfall is contributing to food insecurity in Cameroon. The number of deaths attributed to a Legionnaires’ outbreak in Flint, Michigan rose to 12. […]