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2139 search results for: california


The Stream, July 11: Desalination, A Double-Edged Sword

The Global Rundown Under-regulation and over-consumption has left Saudi Arabia wondering if it will still have any water left in two decades time. Benin is getting a water infrastructure funding boost from the West African Development Bank. Meanwhile, a drought in Brazil is lowering yields of two traditional crops. New evidence suggests California droughts are the result of wind more […]


The Stream, July 7: High And Low-Tech Solutions To Address Drought

The Global Rundown The agricultural sectors in both Canada and Namibia are suffering as a result of ongoing drought. Computers in California and genetically selected beans in Central America are being employed to improve water efficiency. Mexico City should soon be the recipient of numerous simple, but effective rainwater systems. Meanwhile, a Maine teenager is building biodegradable stream cleaning buoys in her parents’ basement. In Bangladesh, previously […]


The Stream, June 27: Drip Irrigation, Record Digitization, and Potential Waterways Legislation

The Global Rundown Utah’s Great Salt Lake is quickly disappearing, and irrigation in a select group of small Paraguayan farms is getting more efficient one drop at a time. New Jersey students are digitizing water records, while the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is recording lead levels in children. Californians continue fighting Nestle over water pumping in the […]


U.S. Water Utilities Not Prepared for Catastrophe

Federal government should have more active role in preparing for natural disaster and cyberattack, report argues. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue Cutting beneath the lower Mississippi River, the New Madrid fault is a T-shaped geological hazard that is primed for a fierce tremor. A magnitude 7.7 earthquake where the fault crosses the Missouri-Tennessee border […]


Federal Water Tap, June 13: Federal Agencies Release Algae Bloom and Dead Zone Forecasts

The Rundown Forecasts for Gulf of Mexico and Lake Erie are for normal dead zones and algae blooms, which is to say that the water pollution is still bad and not close to meeting targets. A Pennsylvania congressman calls for federal investigation of groundwater pollution while California representatives want answers about federal reservoir operations in […]


EPA Review Finds Clean Water Fund Allocations Need Revision

Funds distributed to the states do not match current state infrastructure needs. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue The distribution of federal funds to states for sewer, wastewater, and stormwater facilities reflects neither changes in state population over the last three decades nor the infrastructure needs for utilities to meet Clean Water Act goals, according […]


The Stream, June 10: Monsoon Begins in Parched India

The Global Rundown Seasonal rains are advancing in India, beginning in the south. The annual summer dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico will be roughly the size of Connecticut. A geothermal plant in Iceland turned carbon dioxide into rock — but the process used a lot of water. Zambia is using solar-powered wells to […]