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1346 search results for: California Drought


Evaporation Station: Laser to Monitor Farm Water Use

LOS ANGELES — Drop by vaporous drop, the amount of water farmers lose through evaporation can be significant. But a scientist and his students intend to measure this amount exactly, using a telescope-like laser called a large aperture scintillometer to monitor the losses. Jan Kleissl and his students from the University of California-San Diego believe […]


How the West’s Energy Boom Could Threaten Drinking Water for 1 in 12 Americans

By Abrahm Lustgarten ProPublica David Hasemyer The San Diego Union-Tribune This story was co-published with the San Diego Union-Tribune and also appears in that newspaper’s Dec. 21, 2008 issue. The Colorado River, the life vein of the Southwestern United States, is in trouble. The river’s water is hoarded the moment it trickles out of the […]


Global water business, a growth industry, attracting more investors

Realistic expectations drive long-term gains, experts predict by Keith Schneider Circle of Blue NEW YORK – It didn’t quite land with a thunk!, but it did attract some attention last August when a 16-page investment brochure from Dublin, California dropped into the mailboxes of stock buyers all over the country. “Water stocks,” declared the investor […]


Pacific Institute makes water policy recommendations for next president

OAKLAND, California — Clear, integrated, domestic and international water policy at the federal level, is the focus of a new report by the Pacific Institute. Dr. Peter Gleick outlines his suggestions in a three page open letter to the next president of the United States. Covering the gambit from international conflict resolution to United States […]


Nuts over water: Poor pistachio crop drives Iran-U.S. competition

An April frost and drought conditions in Iran have significantly damaged the Islamic nation’s pistachio crop — their second export behind oil. Now they face pressure from California, also a major pistachio producer, reports Reuters. Although U.S. efforts to market the nut are strong, dry conditions in the American West also mean that neither country […]


Opinion — Time to tap into water-wise farmers’ well of ideas

Circle of Blue covered the Pacific Institute’s newest report on water agricultural conservation last week. The report, More with Less: Agriculture Water Conservation and Efficiency in California, generated controversy throughout the agricultural sector in southern California. For example, Timothy Quinn, executive director of the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA), said the report “does not […]


Dirty waters: Corruption infects global water services

Transparency International’s Global Corruption Report: misconduct rife in water sector by C.T. Pope Circle of Blue From Manila to Milan, fraud, bribery and organized profiteering are rampant in the water sector says a new report by Transparency International (TI), a global non-profit aimed at exposing and preventing corruption. The organization’s annual corruption report, presented last […]


Burgeoning Bay Area buys time to boost water infrastructure

SAN FRANCISCO – San Francisco’s humongous Hetch Hetchy water system is getting an upgrade. Responding to drought conditions, the city has decided to spend $4.4 billion to refurbish the area’s most extensive water infrastructure project. Improving provision of the resource to almost 2.5 million people, however, requires no small degree of coordination and political sensitivity, […]