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1346 search results for: California Drought


Flash floods leave New Mexico mountain town in deep water

RUIDOSO, New Mexico – Two states east of drought-riddled and fire-etched California, the New Mexico mountain town of Ruidoso recently endured flash flooding in the aftermath of Hurricane Dolly. The flood engorged and overwhelmed the Rio Ruidoso and displaced 400 people, announced Reuters. There was one fatality. According to Darlene Hart, of the town’s fire […]


Wrath of water visited upon Ukraine: Floods cross borders, displace thousands

KIEV, Ukraine – From California to Cairo to Cyprus, this month’s global landscape appears desiccated by droughts. Yet, in Ukraine the situation is far from dry. After five days of relentless rain, the Prut and Dnestr rivers are extraordinarily high, reports Reuters. At least 40,000 homes have been flooded and 12,000 people evacuated. According to […]


Calif. water levels historically low

CALIFORNIA – California’s second-largest storage reservoir will end this year with the lowest amount of water in more than 30 years, Department of Water Resources Director Lester Snow said Monday. Snow spoke at a congressional hearing on California’s drought in Fresno, where farmers, climate change experts and area politicians testified about the financial impacts wrought […]


Global warming to increase unpredictable weather, impacts on water, Cooley says in Congressional testimony

WASHINGTON – Congressional testimony July 10 said that global warming is likely to increase pressure on existing water resources and cause extreme events such as floods and droughts, as well as a rise in sea-levels. During the congressional committee hearing, Heather Cooley, senior research associate at the Pacific Institute, described what to expect and how […]


Opinion: Clock’s ticking on a state water deal

With California in its first official drought since the early ’90s, state legislatures are being called upon to act in order to solve the state’s water crisis. From the Fresno Bee: A comprehensive approach — new surface storage (dams), increased underground storage (waterbanking and aquifer recharge) and more effective conservation efforts — still seems a […]