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2306 search results for: Clean Water Act


Federal Water Tap, March 13: News from Congress and the Courts

Military Base Water Contamination From the 1950s to the 1980s people living at Camp Lejeune Marine Base near Jacksonville, N.C. unknowingly drank tap water contaminated with benzene and other chemicals. Lawsuits have been filed. Now, the state’s U.S. senators are criticizing attempts by military officials to redact information in a federal report about the base’s […]


America’s Water Infrastructure Shows Its Age — The National Debate About How to Pay for Repairs

Hundreds of billions of dollars are needed for renovation and improvement. But what projects will be chosen, and who will pay? By Brett Walton Circle of Blue Photo courtesy of the Nebraska State Historical Society, image RG2608.PH2494 used with permission In 1889, the streets of Kearney, Nebraska, were ripped open so that workers could install […]


Federal Water Tap, March 5: Statements of Principle

A National Standard It’s not what clean-energy advocates would have envisioned three years ago when the House of Representatives passed a cap-and-trade bill, but it’s something. Last week in the Senate, Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.) introduced the Clean Energy Standard Act of 2012, which would set national targets for energy produced from renewable and low-carbon sources. […]


The Stream, February 29: Water Struggles At Fukushima

Asia Water is essential for keeping Japan’s damaged Fukushima nuclear plant safe, where hundreds of thousands of gallons are used every day to cool reactors, but containing the 10,000 tons of contaminated water leaked each month is becoming a challenge, The Wall Street Journal reported. Thailand will spend almost $US 1 billion to regenerate forests […]


Federal Water Tap, February 27: Water Infrastructure

Pipes on Tap On Tuesday a Senate subcommittee will listen to officials from local governments speak about water infrastructure problems. The mayor of Baltimore, the manager of a water system in suburban Washington, D.C. and the director of an Alabama water association will speak. This is the second time in the last three months that […]


Federal Water Tap, February 6: Water and National Security

The director of national intelligence said that during the next decade water issues abroad will affect America’s national security, according to an on-the-record report to a special Senate committee on intelligence. In his annual threat assessment, James Clapper told the committee that “water shortages and pollution will probably negatively affect the economic performance of important […]


Federal Water Tap, January 24, Part 2: Energy and Climate

Solar Review The deadline for submitting public comments on the Bureau of Land Management’s broad environmental review of solar energy development in six western U.S. states is Friday. The review will result in changes to the agency’s resource management plans, allowing it to concentrate solar energy projects on the most suitable parcels of land. Comments […]