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1449 search results for: china, water


The Stream, June 22: Mapping Climate Change

A 2008 compact designed to protect the Great Lakes against diversions is undergoing its first big test as the Great Lakes face more and more pressure to supply surrounding regions, according to WBEZ. A new map shows the regional and local impacts of climate change. As energy demand and oil prices are soaring, Arab countries […]


The Stream, June 20: Higher Food Prices

The world should brace itself for high food prices and volatility in commodity markets, according to a new report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. Deserts are encroaching into Inner Mongolia’s grasslands. Take a look at this photo essay on the Guardian documenting the desertification in […]


The Stream, June 17: California Drought Report

A new Pacific Institute report on California’s 2007-2009 drought finds surprising outcomes for the state’s agriculture, energy and the environment. Here’s also a summary by The New York Times Green blog. The growing shale gas development could undermine the market for renewable energy, even as falling costs allow wind and solar to overtake fossil fuels […]


Photo Slideshow: City of Coal on the Inner Mongolia Steppe

Xilinhot — an Inner Mongolian outpost of 177,000 residents, separated from Beijing by a 12-hour train ride — is at the center of the Xilin Gol Grassland, one of China’s largest prairies and livestock production regions. The north’s coal mines, trucks, and power plants are representative of the nation’s coal dependency, a lifeline with an insatiable thirst for water


The Stream, June 16: Texas Drought

The worst Texas drought in more than a century may cripple the oil- and natural gas- drilling boom in the state as government officials are starting to ration the water supplies for energy exploration and hydraulic fracturing, Bloomberg reports. The shortage is intensifying the competition for water between the agriculture and energy industries, as power […]


The Stream, June 15: The Cost of Nuclear Phase-Out

A survey by the Asahi newspaper shows that nearly three-quarters of Japanese voters are in favor of a gradual nuclear phase-out in the country, while about 50 percent agree that reactors now off-line for inspections should be restarted if they meet government safety standards, Reuters reports. Meanwhile, this SolveClimate News article says that decommissioning a […]


The Stream, June 13: Drought in England

England experienced its driest spring in a century last month, leaving fields parched and many rivers at record low levels, the Guardian reported, citing the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. Meanwhile, Scotland had its wettest spring on record for the period of March, April and May. Downpours in two of China’s drought-hit provinces have caused […]


The Stream, June 8: Australian LNG

Australia’s liquefied natural gas industry is on course for a “golden age,” with the sector posed to bring the country’s economy $38.5 billion by 2020, UPI reports, citing a new International Energy Agency report on global gas use. The North Carolina House of Representatives has passed a bill that calls for a study of the […]


The Stream, June 7: U.S. Energy Policy

The U.S. Department of State will hold public meetings in five states before it decides whether to grant permission for the Keystone XL pipeline, which will transport Canadian oil sands petroleum to refiners in Texas, Reuters reports. Meanwhile, The New Yorker’s Elizabeth Kolbert argues that “just about every decision that [the Obama] Administration has made […]


The Stream, June 3: Energy Shortages

Radioactive water rising in Japan’s damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant could start overflowing from service trenches within days and leak into the sea, Bloomberg reports. With scarce coal and water resources, Tianjin — China’s third biggest city — is bracing for electricity shortfalls that could reach 1.5 gigawatts this summer, Reuters reports. France’s record spring […]