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1442 search results for: china, water


The Stream, June 13: Drought in England

England experienced its driest spring in a century last month, leaving fields parched and many rivers at record low levels, the Guardian reported, citing the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. Meanwhile, Scotland had its wettest spring on record for the period of March, April and May. Downpours in two of China’s drought-hit provinces have caused […]


The Stream, June 8: Australian LNG

Australia’s liquefied natural gas industry is on course for a “golden age,” with the sector posed to bring the country’s economy $38.5 billion by 2020, UPI reports, citing a new International Energy Agency report on global gas use. The North Carolina House of Representatives has passed a bill that calls for a study of the […]


The Stream, June 7: U.S. Energy Policy

The U.S. Department of State will hold public meetings in five states before it decides whether to grant permission for the Keystone XL pipeline, which will transport Canadian oil sands petroleum to refiners in Texas, Reuters reports. Meanwhile, The New Yorker’s Elizabeth Kolbert argues that “just about every decision that [the Obama] Administration has made […]


The Stream, June 3: Energy Shortages

Radioactive water rising in Japan’s damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant could start overflowing from service trenches within days and leak into the sea, Bloomberg reports. With scarce coal and water resources, Tianjin — China’s third biggest city — is bracing for electricity shortfalls that could reach 1.5 gigawatts this summer, Reuters reports. France’s record spring […]


The Stream, June 2: Brazil Backs Belo Monte Dam

Brazil’s environment agency gave a go-ahead for the construction of the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam, slated as a crucial energy source for Brazil’s fast-growing economy but frowned upon by native Indians and environmental groups, Reuters reports. South Africa South Africa has appointed a bulk raw water provider to oversee a short-term project to clean up […]


The Stream, May 27: The Global Food Market

The dire drought in central and southern China may hit the grain output in major food growing regions and put upward pressure on global prices, but China’s domestic wheat stocks will keep food imports low, according to a Reuters analysis. Read Circle of Blue’s report on China’s looming water-energy-food collision. Agriculture Yet, the World Meteorological […]


The Stream, May 26: The La Nina Factor

The La Nina weather pattern may be playing a part in the surge of U.S. tornadoes this spring, Reuters reports. But experts said it was uncertain if climate change is responsible for the high number of natural disasters. Energy The Swiss government has decided to phase out all of the country’s five nuclear power plans, […]


The Stream, May 25: Go-ahead for UK Shale Gas

China is bracing for what might be the worst summer power crunch in recent years, according to Reuters. Electricity supplies to industrial users will be curbed in the summer, as power deficits are expected to reach 30 gigawatts even if coal supplies are steady, water levels are normal and there are no persisting high temperatures. […]


The Stream, May 18: Toxic Food

Cadmium in rice, melamine in milk, arsenic in soy sauce, bleach in mushrooms, and the detergent borax in pork. China’s food industry has recently become synonymous with contamination, bad farming practices and overuse of agricultural chemicals. The Guardian‘s Jonathan Watts reports on China’s latest food scandal, after fields of watermelons in the eastern part of […]