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2306 search results for: Clean Water Act


Federal Water Tap, January 16: A Busy EPA

Peer Reviewers for Fracking Study The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is accepting nominations for qualified scientists to review its draft study of groundwater contamination in a Wyoming town. The draft, released in December, found compounds that are associated with natural-gas drilling processes in two monitoring wells. To nominate someone, send the person’s name, address […]


Top 10 Water News Stories of 2011

Understanding the interplay between water, food, and energy is crucial for business, policy, data, science, environment, and human welfare. In 2011, the Circle of Blue team brought you exclusive, top-of-the-line reporting from the coal mines of northern China to the deepest intrigue of the Wikileaks documents, from the Texas drought to East Africa’s famine, from […]


Water News: What’s Ahead in 2012

News headlines are often dominated by the big, unexpected events — BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010, for example, or Japan’s earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear catastrophes in 2011 — but some events come with advance warning. Here is a preview of the water news to look for in 2012. Photo © Aubrey Ann Parker/Circle […]


The Stream, December 30: Great Lakes Water Levels May Drop

Water levels are expected to rise on Lake Erie and Lake Ontario in the next six months, but unusually warm winter temperatures may lead to less ice cover and more evaporation, ultimately reducing Great Lakes water levels, The Detroit News reported, citing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ latest forecast. Wasting natural resources, such as […]


The Stream, December 23: Water Concerns In Argentina

Water access and use are a concern in Argentina, where 11 percent of the population does not have a piped water source and the average consumption per person is more than three times that of Brazil, the Guardian reported, citing a study by Green Cross Argentina. Shell spilled an estimated 20,000 barrels of oil off […]


Federal Water Tap, December 19: Less Money, More Problems

Budget and Taxes On Sunday the House Republican leadership backed away from a tax deal that passed the Senate a day earlier, according to the New York Times. The Senate bill to extend the payroll tax cut included a provision, requested by Republicans, that would force President Barack Obama to issue a permit within 60 […]


Plumbing WikiLeaks: Water’s Role in U.S. Foreign Aid

Diplomatic cables show that the U.S. State Department aims to strike a balance between the need for diplomatic dances and the desire to produce tangible results from on-the-ground projects. Photo credit USAID Children in Nawa, Afghanistan, fill their containers with fresh running water. USAID and U.S. Forces are working together to ensure that Afghan citizens […]


Federal Water Tap, December 5: Pakistan and the Arctic

Pakistan A high-level official from the U.S. State Department met with counterparts from Pakistan last month during the fourth water “dialogue” between the two countries. The U.S. government has given Pakistan money for irrigation, hydroelectric, and water supply projects under the Kerry-Berman-Lugar bill—legislation signed in 2009 that authorizes $7.5 billion in aid to Pakistan. Pakistan […]


Federal Water Tap, November 28: Public Opinions Wanted

Water Meetings Three meetings under the Environmental Protection Agency’s water umbrella will take place in the next two weeks. On December 5, the Science Advisory Board will have a teleconference to discuss the value of water to the U.S. economy. The agency is looking for information about how clean water affects development patterns and how […]


The Stream, November 17: Water Use in U.S. Power Plants

Coal-fired plants account for 67 percent of the freshwater withdrawals by the power sector in the United States and for 65 percent of the sector’s water consumption, according to a new report from the Energy and Water in a Warming World Initiative that probes the freshwater use by U.S. power facilities. Contributors to President Barack […]


Peter Gleick: Energy, Water, and Climate Change in the Western U.S.

A new analysis from the Pacific Institute evaluates the water needs for different energy futures and identifies a growing risk of conflicts between electricity production and water availability in the U.S. Intermountain West. The new report also identifies strategies to ensure the long-term sustainable use of both resources, especially given the realities of climate change. […]