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2018 search results for: India


Federal Water Tap, November 30: President Obama Attends Paris Climate Change Conference

The Rundown President Obama arrives in Paris. The Interior Department will review a proposed river diversion in southwest New Mexico. Food safety rule targets irrigation water. The Coast Guard updates a ballast water rule. 2015 continues to break heat records. “We support a strong and ambitious agreement that holds countries accountable for the emission target […]


The Stream, November 26: 2015 Will Be Hottest Year On Record

The Global Rundown This year will almost certainly be the hottest on record, the World Meteorological Organization announced, and global carbon emissions slowed last year, increasing 0.5 percent. Alaska and British Columbia signed an agreement to improve water quality monitoring in transboundary waters, focusing on mine development in the wake of the Mount Polley mine […]


The Stream, November 23: Drought Raises Water Disputes in Maharashtra

The Global Rundown Farmers in India’s Maharashtra state debated how much water should be held or released by the state’s dams as they struggle with drought, while government officials in South Africa said they may set aside more emergency funds to aid drought-affected farmers in the country. China signed a multi-million-dollar deal to build water […]


Commentary: Drought Influenced Syrian Civil War; So What, Says U.S. Congress

U.S. Congress on an island of reflexive denial. By Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue A paper published earlier this year in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States added fresh, peer-reviewed details about how a malicious four-year (2007 to 2010) drought in Syria played a role in touching off a […]


Gila River Diversion Reaches Decision Point

Fate of an expensive Southwest water supply project is at stake By Brett Walton Circle of Blue Southwest New Mexico awaits one of the most significant federal decisions on water infrastructure and the environment in this region since the U.S. Forest Service designated 755,000 acres of the Gila National Forest in 1924 as the nation’s […]


The Stream, November 19: International Agreement Restricts Coal Financing

The Global Rundown More than 30 countries, including the United States, agreed to dramatically scale back financing for overseas coal-fired power plants ahead of the Paris climate change negotiations. A United Nations board urged the organization to create a scientific body focused on water. Flood risks are growing in Chennai, India, while a drought in […]


China’s Early Pivot Away From Carbon

World’s largest coal consumer’s big challenge to lower climate-changing emissions. Photo by Keith Schneider / Circle of Blue Though economic expansion is slowing in China, the country is still growing over $US 700 billion annually, almost twice the growth increase in the United States. Demand for energy to build and operate mammoth residential housing projects […]


Hunger Spreads in Africa As El Nino Cuts Harvests

Trifecta of drought, floods, and fighting could set the stage for a deeper food crisis in 2016. Photo courtesy Andrew Heavens via Flickr Creative Commons Floods near Ethiopia’s Lake Tana displaced thousands of people in 2006. Aid agencies warn that floods linked to this year’s El Nino could exacerbate food insecurity in Ethiopia and Somalia. […]


The Stream, November 17: U.S. Oil Draws Water From Other Countries

The Global Rundown The production of oil used by the United States relies heavily on freshwater supplies in other countries, a new study found. El Nino will continue to strengthen through the end of the year, according to the World Meteorological Organization. Floods in India and Sri Lanka turned deadly, and the drought in South […]


The Stream, November 12: El Nino One of Three Strongest On Record

The Global Rundown El Nino is now one of the three strongest on record after water temperatures in areas of the Pacific Ocean reached their highest level in six months. The weather phenomenon is exacerbating dry, hot conditions in Johannesburg, South Africa, which recorded its hottest day ever this week. Government and business leaders met […]


Landmark Klamath Basin Water Agreement Is on Verge of Collapse

Congress could allow year-end deadline for review and enactment to expire. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue On July 14, 2001, pulses quickened in Oregon’s Klamath River Basin when unarmed U.S. marshals were summoned to stand guard over irrigation water gates that until that day had never needed such protection. In defiance of federal orders, […]


Australia Coal Mines Prompt Concerns about Groundwater and Climate

Mining Queensland’s ample coal seams will require a lot of groundwater — and lead to more carbon pollution. Coal companies have pegged Queensland’s Galilee Basin, a geological formation in the state’s interior, as the next big production zone for Australia’s coal mining industry as it looks to increase exports to India, China, and other Asian […]