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2139 search results for: california


World Water Day Rises to International Prominence

Water Gets Attention As Conditions Change By Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue  March 22, 2016 The 24th World Water Day, which occurs on Tuesday with events held all over the world, will be celebrated by the Obama administration with a “White House Water Summit” in Washington, D.C. The administration’s conference theme is innovation, technology, and collaboration […]


The Stream, March 15: Pakistan Experiments With Small Hydropower

The Global Rundown Rural communities in the mountains of Pakistan are using small hydropower plants to produce electricity and reduce the amount of trees cut down for wood fuel. Rising sea levels threaten millions of people in the coastal regions of the United States, according to a new study. A drought and saltwater intrusion in […]


The Stream, March 4: Honduras Activist Who Opposed Dams Is Murdered

The Global Rundown A prominent environmental activist who opposed hydropower dams in Honduras has been killed. Farmers and herders in Tanzania are reaching peaceful agreements to share water in times of drought. A flash flood in Angola killed dozens of people. Greenland’s ice is caught in a feedback loop that encourages more melting, researchers found, […]


The Stream, March 3: Syria Drought Most Severe In 900 Years

The Global Rundown The recent 15-year drought in Syria is likely the region’s driest period in nearly a millennium, a new study found. A drought in Tasmania is curbing hydropower supplies, and California snowpack is still below average. Meanwhile, intense rain triggered floods and landslides in Peru. Mining companies responsible for a deadly tailings dam […]


Federal Water Tap, February 29: Mexico Settles Rio Grande Water Debt

The Rundown Mexico complies with bilateral treaty on sharing Rio Grande water. Congress sets the terms for Flint water aid, but a few senators delay approval. House committee discusses California drought while a Senate committee praises/condemns the Interior Department budget. Canada and the United States agree to cut phosphorus in Lake Erie. A federal appeals […]


The Stream, February 18: Children Suffer Malnutrition As Drought Grips Africa

The Global Rundown Millions of children are severely malnourished in Africa because of ongoing droughts, according to the United Nations. El Nino-linked droughts across the continent have hit countries like Mozambique particularly hard, destroying consecutive harvests. In India, successive droughts have forced some farmers to sell their blood for income. Globally, conflicts related to water […]