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2741 search results for: energy


America’s Septic System Failures Can Be Fixed

Solutions require new thinking about wastewater treatment By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue Conceived as a low-cost, low-tech means of disposing toilet waste in rural communities without sewers, septic systems have become a leading cause of the toxic algae blooms that, like a rainbow cloak, drape across lakes, bays, and coastal shorelines on Cape Cod, […]


South African Power Plants Roiled By Water Scarcity and Global Pivot Away From Carbon

Bankruptcies, project shutdowns, regulation, and emission limits curb enthusiasm for fossil fuels. By Keith Schneider, Circe of Blue Images from space of the Kusile and Medupi power stations, under construction in South Africa, show rows of partially completed turbine plants, a pick-up sticks jumble of big tower cranes, and an armada of trucks. The stunningly clear […]


Water Gained Stature at Paris Climate Talks

Though not mentioned in the final agreement, water nonetheless firmly staked a spot in the global climate agenda By Brett Walton Circle of Blue Just before midnight on December 12, the crowd at Le Bourget conference center in Paris was euphoric. One hundred ninety five countries, bucking past failures, had just signed a groundbreaking agreement […]


The Stream, December 14: Global Climate Deal Signed in Paris

The Global Rundown The first legally binding global climate deal was signed in Paris, setting a goal to keep global temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius. The deal could require $16.5 trillion in renewable energy and efficiency investments by 2030. Water quality monitoring and pollution prevention efforts along the Great Barrier Reef need significantly more […]


The Stream, December 11: UK Urges More Water Trading Between Utilities

The Global Rundown The agency that regulates water utilities in the United Kingdom is asking water companies to consider more water trading to improve efficiency. Jamaica’s water infrastructure is failing, leading to shortages and affecting the island’s productivity. Erosion and rising sea levels pose risks to homes and businesses from Chesapeake Bay to the coast […]


The Stream, December 9: Uranium Contamination A Growing Problem in U.S. Groundwater

The Global Rundown Groundwater contaminated with unsafe levels of uranium poses a growing risk to communities in places like California’s Central Valley, while the United Nations warned that mining companies and government officials in Brazil are not doing enough to restore safe water after the Samarco mine disaster. Floods turned deadly in the Democratic Republic […]


Water Resources Highlighted in Climate Adaptation Plans

Countries see climate adaptation as a water problem Photo © J. Carl Ganter / Circle of Blue A center-pivot irrigation system waters a field in California’s Central Valley. Food production, flood protection, data collection, and other sectors influenced by changes in water availability are being included in national climate adaptation plans. Click image to enlarge. […]