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2741 search results for: energy


The Stream, November 23: Drought Raises Water Disputes in Maharashtra

The Global Rundown Farmers in India’s Maharashtra state debated how much water should be held or released by the state’s dams as they struggle with drought, while government officials in South Africa said they may set aside more emergency funds to aid drought-affected farmers in the country. China signed a multi-million-dollar deal to build water […]


Commentary: Drought Influenced Syrian Civil War; So What, Says U.S. Congress

U.S. Congress on an island of reflexive denial. By Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue A paper published earlier this year in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States added fresh, peer-reviewed details about how a malicious four-year (2007 to 2010) drought in Syria played a role in touching off a […]


China’s Early Pivot Away From Carbon

World’s largest coal consumer’s big challenge to lower climate-changing emissions. Photo by Keith Schneider / Circle of Blue Though economic expansion is slowing in China, the country is still growing over $US 700 billion annually, almost twice the growth increase in the United States. Demand for energy to build and operate mammoth residential housing projects […]


The Stream, November 17: U.S. Oil Draws Water From Other Countries

The Global Rundown The production of oil used by the United States relies heavily on freshwater supplies in other countries, a new study found. El Nino will continue to strengthen through the end of the year, according to the World Meteorological Organization. Floods in India and Sri Lanka turned deadly, and the drought in South […]


Federal Water Tap, November 16: Secretary of State Kerry Connects Climate Change and Water

The Rundown America’s top diplomat said that climate change will stress society because of water. Lake Erie algae bloom was the worst this century while researchers develop an early warning system for algae. Alabama and Florida senators wade into long-running Southeast water fight. Utah congressman redesigns a lauded, and now expired, conservation fund. The EPA […]


Landmark Klamath Basin Water Agreement Is on Verge of Collapse

Congress could allow year-end deadline for review and enactment to expire. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue On July 14, 2001, pulses quickened in Oregon’s Klamath River Basin when unarmed U.S. marshals were summoned to stand guard over irrigation water gates that until that day had never needed such protection. In defiance of federal orders, […]


Australia Coal Mines Prompt Concerns about Groundwater and Climate

Mining Queensland’s ample coal seams will require a lot of groundwater — and lead to more carbon pollution. Coal companies have pegged Queensland’s Galilee Basin, a geological formation in the state’s interior, as the next big production zone for Australia’s coal mining industry as it looks to increase exports to India, China, and other Asian […]