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308 search results for: Lake Mead


The Stream, December 13: Tackling Water Pollution a Top Priority, Says China

The Global Rundown China announces an increased focus on fighting water pollution. Industry officials warn that India’s sugarcane output may fall next year as drought hampers planting. Farmers in parts of southern Bolivia rely on contaminated river water to irrigate their fields. Michigan lawmakers approve a bill to replace the decades-old Line 5 oil pipeline […]


The Stream, November 20: Egypt and Ethiopia Reopen Talks on Contentious Dam

The Global Rundown Egypt and Ethiopia announce another round of talks on the contentious Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Drought-tolerant juniper trees begin to die unexpectedly in parched Utah. Tropical depression Toraji triggers flash floods and landslides in central Vietnam. Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister pledges an extra $500 million for water infrastructure projects. The Central Arizona […]


The Stream, October 30: African Countries Should “Decolonize” Water Laws, Report Says

The Global Rundown A recent report calls on African countries to ‘decolonize’ water. An unusually high tide sweeps through Venice, Italy, flooding three-quarters of the city. Pakistan bans Indian TV channels due to water-related tensions. Drought slashes eastern Australia’s crop output to half the twenty-year average. The boil water notice in Austin, Texas, is lifted. Shortages […]


The Stream, August 17: Colorado River Cutbacks Possible by 2020, Federal Report Warns

The Global Rundown A newly-released U.S. federal report warns that water cutbacks in the southwestern United States could occur by 2020 as Colorado River water levels fall. Bushfire season begins early in parched Australia. Lead in U.S. Army bases is poisoning service members’ children, a new report claims. Delhi, India, neglects traditional rainwater harvesting amid its […]


Federal Water Tap, May 14: Colorado River Forecast Shows Greater Risk of Shortage

The Rundown Drying of the American Southwest continues, while Great Lakes water levels are above normal. Senators introduce a bipartisan water infrastructure bill. The EPA cancels a proposed groundwater pollution rule and decides not to revise water quality standards for swimming. Federal health researchers outline the first phase of a perfluorinated chemicals health study on […]