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319 search results for: san joaquin


Federal Water Tap, April 4: Tiny Federal Water Allocation Again for Some California Farmers

The Rundown Lean year again for the west side of California’s Central Valley. Federal coal program undergoes a comprehensive review. Two engineering competitions seek better designs for water problems. Senate committee will discuss water affordability. California groundwater recharge project seeks public comments while a government watchdog says the EPA is failing at overseeing underground waste […]


Federal Water Tap, February 15: Obama Budget Proposal Highlights Water Technology Innovation

The Rundown President Obama makes his budget pitch. California senator introduces (another) drought bill. The White House defers to Congress for Flint funding but does look to expand Medicaid for affected families. Spy agency chiefs testify about national security risks. Texas representatives try to exempt a proposed reservoir from Clean Water Act permitting. The research […]


Federal Water Tap, January 25: EPA Regional Administrator Resigns over Flint Water Crisis

The Rundown A change in leadership at EPA Region 5. Obama talks with Flint mayor and directs federal money for water infrastructure improvements. EPA begins internal investigation over Flint response. 2015 was the hottest year on record. Communities get $US 1 billion for climate resiliency. Great Lakes has no surplus water, report says. Republicans call […]


U.S. Governors Address Water

State of the State speeches highlight water resources Photo © Brian Lehmann / Circle of Blue Harvesting irrigated corn near Edson, Kansas. In his State of the State speech on January 12, Governor Sam Brownback discussed efforts to conserve the Ogallala Aquifer, which is the lifeblood of irrigated agriculture in western Kansas. Click image to […]


Fish Screens Are Part of The Answer to Saving Sacramento River Salmon

Out of social confrontation over water and fish in California comes a fish story worth telling. By Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue MAXWELL, Ca. — Before the founders of the Family Water Alliance began installing metal screens at the end of the big pipes that draw water from the Sacramento River to irrigate Colusa County’s […]