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1471 search results for: China


Is water becoming ‘the new oil’?

Global demands for freshwater have nearly doubled since World War II, the Christian Science Monitor reports. China, India, and other parts of Asia, are experiencing unprecedented growth, limited by the availability of fresh, potable, water. Throughout Europe, Mediterranean port cities, like Barcelona and Cyprus, plan to ship in water from their neighbors. Global water needs […]


Is Water Becoming the New Oil

Christian Science Monitor “China’s water plans are a major problem for the Dalai Lama’s government in exile,” says a report released this month by Circle of Blue, a branch of the Pacific Institute, a nonpartisan think tank. Himalayan water is particularly sensitive because it supplies the rivers that bring water to more than half a […]


Tibetan Plateau Water Reserves at Risk

Over at Circle of Blue WaterNews, we’re reporting today on another ingredient to consider in the context of the China-Tibet conflict. Keith Schneider and C.T. Pope write that the Tibetan Plateau’s vast reserves of glacial freshwater, which supply Asia’s most populous regions, are both at risk and are emerging as an issue in the increasingly tense political and cultural strife between China and Tibet.


Geoffrey Dabelko: Talking water and opportunities for environmental peacemaking

Dr. Geoffrey D. Dabelko is director of the Environmental Change and Security Project at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C. Dabelko discusses water, peacemaking and challenges in China and the Tibetan Plateau. Hear the interview here. This is a rush transcript with excerpts provided for convenience; verbatim accuracy is not guaranteed. […]


Investors warm to water as shortages mount

Water shortages are on the rise, from Mexico to the Andes, northern China to southern India, and Spain to Pakistan. Drought, soaring populations and population densities, changing diets, and increasing living standards are all factors. Is this an issue that technology can fix? Judging by investors’ responses, technology can at least mitigate the problem. Read […]


Investors warm to water as shortages mount

Water shortages are on the rise, from Mexico to the Andes, northern China to southern India, and Spain to Pakistan. Drought, soaring populations and population densities, changing diets, and increasing living standards are all factors. Is this an issue that technology can fix? Judging by investors’ responses, technology can at least mitigate the problem. Read […]