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2018 search results for: India


The Stream, December 15: Lima Climate Change Deal Puts Onus On All Countries

The Global Rundown Negotiators reached a climate deal in Lima, requiring all countries to create plans to reduce their emissions. Meanwhile, major droughts continued to plague California and Sao Paulo, and China documented its shrinking glaciers. Morocco received more money for water infrastructure projects, while Australia cut funding for infrastructure in the Murray-Darling Basin. Access […]


The Stream, December 12: ‘Virtual Water’ Responsible for Roman Empire Fall

The Global Rundown   Over-reliance on traded grain and ‘virtual water’ is apparently what led to the rise and demise of the Roman Empire. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia has recently announced that it will rely completely on imported grain by 2016. Facing inadequate public supply, desperate citizens of Yemen’s capital have taken to replacing their water meters […]


The Stream, December 10: The Detroit Water Brigade Visits Dublin

The Global Rundown Mass protests against water privatization are again taking place across Ireland, this time with support showing up from Detroit. Construction has begun on Sri Lanka’s largest ever water supply project, and the government of Chile is investing in solar irrigation for its farmers. Waterfowl in Finland are threatened by pollution, several cities […]


The Stream, December 5: Oil Spill Devastates Israeli Nature Reserve

The Global Rundown A breached oil pipeline along the Israel-Jordan border has been called “one of Israel’s worst environmental disasters.” The Philippines are investing in a new sewage treatment plant, and India is investing in a groundwater mapping effort. In Brazil, the promise of rain may allow some power plants to shut down, while more […]


A Smarter, Snappier Stream

Reporter Codi Kozacek gives a tour of Circle of Blue’s redesigned water news digest. If you subscribe to The Stream, Circle of Blue’s daily digest of global water news, you probably noticed a few changes when it arrived in your inbox starting October 30 and then a few more yesterday. (If you don’t subscribe already, […]


The Stream, November 17: Detroit Will Continue Water Shutoffs Through Winter

The Global Rundown Detroit will continue shutting off water for unpaid accounts through the winter, while Iowa may set restrictions to protect an important aquifer. China is spending billions to prevent oil pipeline disasters, India is brainstorming how to conserve water, and Seattle is looking at green infrastructure to save fish. Italy is struggling with […]