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2018 search results for: India


Matt Black’s California Drought Photographs Featured in New Yorker

Circle of Blue photographer documents Central Valley water shortage. Photo © Matt Black / Circle of Blue A man passes water vending machines in the small farmworker community of Stratford in California’s Central Valley. Click image to enlarge. Matt Black, the California photographer who documented the deepening drought in his home state earlier this year […]


The Stream, September 24: China Ahead of Water Pollution Goals, Government Says

Pollution Emissions of pollutants in China’s waterways, including nitrogen and organic pollutants, have already declined by slightly more than the 2 percent goal set by the government in 2014, Reuters reported, citing government officials. China is also considering an additional $US 326 billion plan to clean up wastewater and restore its lakes and rivers. Drought […]


Federal Water Tap, September 22: America’s Spies Warn of Water and Climate Risks

The potential for violence, conflict, and government upheaval arising from natural resource scarcity and a warming planet continues to catch the eye of America’s top spooks. “Competition for scarce resources, such as food, water, or energy, will likely increase tensions within and between states and could lead to more localized or regional conflicts, or exacerbate […]


The Stream, September 15: ‘Rivers’ of Water Vapor From Amazon Fail, Bring Drought to Brazil

Drought Vast clouds of water vapor that typically flow from the Amazon rainforest to southern Brazil failed last year, possibly causing the severe drought that is afflicting cities like Sao Paulo, Climate News Network reported. Scientists believe that deforestation in the Amazon basin and climate change are to blame for stopping the flow of water […]


New Federal Rules Expand Ways to Keep Prescription Drugs out of Waterways

Pharmacies, hospitals, and distributors are now authorized to collect narcotics, opiates, and other “controlled” drugs. Image courtesy of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency Volunteers display two jars full of medications collected a May 2011 U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration take-back event in Arizona. New rules allow pharmacies and hospitals to accept controlled substances for safe disposal. […]


In Nepal, Deadly Landslide Has Calmer Second Act

Dammed by the landslide, the Sun Koshi River breaks free. Image by Kaye LaFond / Circle of Blue A landslide on August 2 blocked the Sun Koshi River in Nepal’s Himalayan foothills. After a heavy rainstorm this weekend the dam broke, causing minimal damage but reducing the flood risk. Click image to enlarge. A dam […]


The Stream, September 9: Detroit Moves to Regional Water System

United States A new regional water system will include Detroit and three counties, including Macomb, Oakland and Wayne, the Detroit Free Press reported. The new system, dubbed the Great Lakes Water Authority, is meant to ease the financial burdens on bankrupt Detroit, though water rates are set to increase for residents. The federal government announced […]


World Water Week Offers Answers To Scarcity, Pollution, and Security

Stockholm hosts largest-ever international conference on global contest for water and energy. Photo © Keith Schneider / Circle of Blue The 24th annual World Water Week in Stockholm attracted 3,000 participants from 130 countries to discuss the ties between energy and water. Click image to enlarge. STOCKHOLM — Of all the world’s developed nations, none […]


The Stream, August 21: Increasing Salinity Another Threat to Fresh Water

Pollution The salinity of fresh water systems in the United States is growing due to urban wastewater, stormwater and fertilizer runoff, according to a study by the U.S. Geological Survey, the Guardian reported. The salinity is creating problems for cities that rely on surface water supplies for drinking, and can also create issues for agricultural […]


Ohio Lawmakers Discuss Ways to Stop Lake Erie’s Toxic Algal Blooms

Explore options from stricter fertilizer regulations to funding water plant improvements. Where the Maumee River feeds into Lake Erie, the city of Toledo relies on the lake to supply drinking water for half a million residents in northern Ohio. Intense algal blooms, which can release toxins capable of causing severe liver damage, caused the city […]