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3450 search results for: drought


Federal Water Tap, November 19: EPA Watchdog Flags Unregulated Pollutants in Treated Sewage Sludge

The Rundown The EPA has not determined the risks from hundreds of unregulated pollutants in treated sludge, the agency’s inspector general reports. Bills to establish a St. Francis Dam disaster memorial and to authorize two Montana rural water systems move forward in Congress. Thermoelectric power plant water withdrawals continue to decline. The USGS publishes a […]


The Stream, November 15: Houston Skyscrapers Worsened Hurricane Harvey Rainfall, Study Says

The Global Rundown A new study suggests that skyscrapers in Houston, Texas, worsened the city’s flooding during Hurricane Harvey. Analysts warn that Africa’s largest cities are at “extreme risk” from climate change. Hurricane Florence broke 28 stream and river flood records in North and South Carolina. Vapor-condensing panels provide water to a rescue center in […]


Federal Water Tap, November 12: CDC Report Details Legionnaires’ Disease Data

The Rundown The CDC publishes Legionnaires’ data from 2014 and 2015. The EPA releases the first batch of test results from latest cycle of monitoring unregulated contaminants in drinking water. The EPA and New Mexico agencies look at ways to reuse oilfield wastewater. Watchdog agency recommends better dam safety oversight at FERC. A Senate subcommittee […]


The Stream, November 9: Invasive Species Consume Huge Amounts of South Africa’s Water, Study Shows

The Global Rundown Invasive species in South Africa consume shocking amounts of water. African island states call for help in combating the health effects of climate change, including a rise in water-related illnesses. California voters reject a $9 billion water bond in the U.S. midterm elections. Pope Francis says water is a basic human right, […]


The Stream, November 8: Michigan Governor-Elect Says Clean Drinking Water is First Priority

The Global Rundown Michigan’s governor-elect names clean drinking water as her top priority. Mining replaces agriculture in India’s drought-stricken Bundelkhand region. Developing weather patterns spell more drought for parched Australia. A major lithium producer in Chile’s Atacama desert announces a new technology that triples lithium production without using additional water. Zambia’s pivotal Kafue river is […]


The Stream, October 31: Waterways in Mali’s Capital Poisoned by Waste

The Global Rundown Bamako, Mali, becomes an ‘open-air toilet’ as the city’s population booms. A study finds that sidewalks constructed from travertine, an absorbent kitchen building material, could decrease urban flooding. In Lithuania, drought drives the first economic drop in eight years. Intense winds and heavy rains batter Italy, leaving 10 people dead. The U.S. […]