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782 search results for: Canada


The Stream, December 14, 2021: Iqaluit Residents Receive Clean Water After Petroleum Leak Contaminates Supplies

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN Scientists find evidence that the Omicron variant was present in California before it was named a “variant of concern” by WHO. Unwanted water is costing taxpayers in London, Ontario more than $1 million per year. Residents in a rural Canadian community have clean water for the first time in two months. Indigenous […]


The Stream, December 9, 2021: Clashes Over Water Scarcity in Cameroon Leave Nineteen Dead

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN New research detects microplastics in every tested body of water in Oregon. Clashes over water scarcity in Cameroon leave nineteen dead and dozens more wounded. A water company in the U.K. is fined for illegal sewage discharges. President Biden seeks to revoke permits for a controversial water pipeline in California. Indigenous groups […]


The Stream, December 7, 2021: Failed Manure Storage May Have Caused Water Contamination in British Columbia

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN A town in Australia is denied grant for water supplies. The United Kingdom prepares for Storm Barra as many homes still recover from another major storm. A proposed rule along the Hunter River in New South Wales could impact irrigation for upstream farmers. Canadian officials warn residents of possible water contamination after […]


The Stream, November 23, 2021: U.S. Officials Turn To Decades-Old Technology To Mitigate Water Crisis

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN The oil industry is threatening Indigenous communities in Alberta, Canada by destroying wetlands and rerouting waterways. Dam levels in Eastern Cape, South Africa, fall below 50 percent. Cloud seeding is becoming more popular throughout the American West as water scarcity worsens. Heavy rains cause devastating flooding across South India. Covid-19 vaccine initiatives […]


The Stream, November 19, 2021: Flooding Devastates British Columbia

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN Residents in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe are without water as the city mitigates ongoing power outages. A recent atmospheric river in British Columbia leaves nearly 20,000 people stranded and thousands of animals dead. Britain will launch an investigation into potential illegal sewage discharge by water companies. Residents in northeast Syria displaced by Turkish military […]


The Stream, November 12, 2021: Flint Residents Impacted By Lead Water Crisis Awarded $626 Million

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN A major reservoir in Syria is completely empty for the first time in history. Rising water levels in Kenya’s Great Rift Valley are impacting wildlife and impacting an already struggling tourist industry. A federal judge approves a multi-million-dollar settlement for people impacted by the Flint water crisis. More heavy rain will hit […]


The Stream, November 10, 2021: Climate Change Will Impact Low-Income Women and Girls the Most

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN Women and girls in low-income countries are likely to bear the burden of climate catastrophes like floods and droughts. China announces new clean air and water targets. Climate change is decreasing fish populations at one of Nova Scotia’s biggest fish hatcheries. Researchers at a New Orleans university will study the impact of […]


The Stream, November 9, 2021: Drought Worsens Throughout Kenya

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN Drought is driving residents out of southern Iraq’s once infamous marshlands and killing of livestock. Newark, New Jersey replaces nearly all of its lead service lines in only three years. A water crisis in a small town in northern Canada has cost officials more than one million dollars in less than a […]